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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1654393588093.mp3 (3.68 MB, 08. If You Are Lonely.mp3)


If you are lonely
look all around you
and you'll find somebody to love


who sang this?


File: 1654449209023-0.jpg (73.37 KB, 482x500, Cover.jpg)

File: 1654449209023-1.mp3 (5.86 MB, 03. Tuffy.mp3)

File: 1654441188634.jpg (149.57 KB, 720x599, new 'toss.jpg)


new 'toss






satire is dead and russia killed it


meds and bkc

File: 1648404136446.png (3.29 MB, 4448x1932, new 'toss.png)


new 'toss
78 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




File: 1653057816016.mp4 (2.8 MB, 1920x1080, FTK5qJOWIAU.mp4)


File: 1654374817899.mp4 (8.31 MB, 1280x720, 2891685_2876394_ITS_OVER .mp4)


Norwood reaper spares no chad


File: 1654446977578.png (1000.76 KB, 1333x929, ClipboardImage.png)

im pretty sure he got a hair transplant though hes looking as fresh as ever

File: 1654445846195.jpg (20.08 KB, 300x254, 1654110901057.jpg)


Is cabbage a soy vegetable?
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




How do you know whose testicles those are? Do you have a peer-reviewed study to back up your claim?



that's so gay dawg


>unzips dick

File: 1653678849382.jpg (108.08 KB, 1920x1080, rika smile 40.jpg)


Oh, mon amour
Mon doux, mon tendre, mon merveilleux amour
De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour
Je t'aime encore, tu sais
Je t'aime


Oh my God, it's le BWC girl!


Oh ma science
La Grande Coq Blanche fille




File: 1654432779228.png (6.05 KB, 454x520, ClipboardImage.png)

>Jacques Brel

File: 1654376496069.gif (116.54 KB, 400x400, soot2.gif)


delete /qa/
attentionwhore board


soot do this


>asking for more rapefugees to shit up /soy/ and /b/
no thanks


they already do


*precedes to spam a fuckload of troonjaks in anger*


gemmier than 100% of the attention-whoring i see here

File: 1654372199851.mp4 (2.17 MB, 480x600, gun.mp4)


average soyteen


Warning To Soot Corp ☢️
Kolyma Shooters Will Be On Yo Ass Soon ?


I doubt rappers are educated or know basic newtonian physics soy teens are cringe

File: 1654402158664.gif (1.41 MB, 1111x597, Smug reaction images part ….gif)


is pedophilia going to be mainstream in 2050 ?




jannies delete this nas charcoal


>t. pedophiles in denial


please dear god no


File: 1654402536508.png (133.92 KB, 631x591, 10698 - dog glasses hangin….png)

>random NAS? Delete it.
>Tranime nas? Let's move it to another board so that it can be preserved


dont be sad
ozzy loves you
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


thanks furry soot


Brightest gem that ever shun


im going to fuck your butthole ozzy


thank you pope francis


what happen to furry soot?

File: 1654349450157.png (20.91 KB, 470x600, Nixon Soy.png)




niggerkike bans people who annoy him


Nassy though?


File: 1654359857743.jpg (6.48 KB, 191x192, thumb (1).jpg)

nas coal but I approved it just for you

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