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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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why does ciszellig make troons and discorders seethe so much /zellig/ bros?
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quit shilling your account


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Dunno but it's gemmy





because it names the jews every episode

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What would you do if you came across a neutraljakposter who was blog posting, saying nothing of value, and just generally being a nuisance?


kill them

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Who the fuck moderates the booru why cant I upload shit.


booru has a manual approval, a mod must approve your image before it's public and this could take half a day.


who the fuck is moderating this dead board stop undoing my bumps janitor you nolife cuck

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We didn't even realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.
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>it's not a consensus, it's a samefag!


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>>it's not a consensus, it's a samefag!


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>>>26079 (You)
>cisgezellig is sharty culture + /qa/ won + sameteen + dilate


I i ii i

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gemzellig on the log


built for bbc


she will never be a real dutch woman



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Yeah motherfucker, going after all the true playas
Fuck these diva ass, old busta ass, slow ass bitches, ya heard me?
Motherfucker, true gangster shit
Where the motherfucking thugs, playboy? Ya feel me?
Real life money gettin'
Uno, tres, zero way motherfucker, blaow
Talk all that shit motherfucker
Ain't got nothin' to motherfucking say, when it's bullets flying at yo' motherfucking bitch ass head, ya feel me?
Lil Ugly Mane, still the shit
21W heard me coming out from the other side, bitch



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>White genocide rea-
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how come america is "whites"


indians are white too but otherwise real


Well yes, but idk if pre-farmer popuations of South India (Veddoid) can be considered White. In worst case they are also mutts like Latinos or Polynesians.


Also some Arabs can also be considered mutts to lesser extent because of "basal Eurasian" ancestry which wasthe first population which split from other non-Africans.


I had idea that White population origined in the Middle East, Caucasus or Greater Iran in ~50 000 years ago and soon split into Europeans, Levantines, Caucasians and largely extinct North Eurasians (who were partly ancestors of American Indians, Europeans and Indoeuropean R1a is from them). I don't know about Veddoid Indians, but studies suggest they are closer to Whites than Asians or Aboriginals-Papuans.

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/qa/ won
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won what though?



>>26130 just said what though


a free rape session


by being jewish

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>game patches

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