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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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There has never been a more hilarious projection complex in history than rightards trying to pretend they aren't pedophiles.

>be (You)

>be rightard
>accuse leftists of being pedophiles
>make up stories like pizzagate
>the left push for anti-pedo policies
>(You) oppose them as privacy infringement etc
>get accused of being a pedophile yourself
>your immediate response: "there's literally nothing wrong with pedophilia"
>thread gets shitspammed with lolis
>"i want to sniff her feet bros"
>open your heart-shaped locket to take out a note that says "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children because the beauty of the white aryan woman must not vanish from the earth"
>think about the white children and how they'll be white aryan "women" (13) one day when you are 45 and you will have lots of pure white totally non-pedophilic sex with them
>jerk your 2-incher to sleep




Nobody said this


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>Nobody said this


what you imply means they're admitting they're pedophiles dumb commiepedotroon




how is that a good rebuttal?


ok and you?


ok and you?


there is no contradiction
sex with underage women is what nature intended while sex with underage boys (what all leftists dream about) only exists to propagate the mental illness of homosexuality


bro there is no difference
one is a female kid while the other is a male kid
your still fucking a child


women never mature past age 14 mentally however


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>There has never been a more hilarious projection complex in history than rightards trying to pretend they aren't pedophiles.

>>be (You)

>>be rightard
>>accuse leftists of being pedophiles
>>make up stories like pizzagate
>>the left push for anti-pedo policies
>>(You) oppose them as privacy infringement etc
>>get accused of being a pedophile yourself
>>your immediate response: "there's literally nothing wrong with pedophilia"
>>thread gets shitspammed with lolis
>>"i want to sniff her feet bros"
>>open your heart-shaped locket to take out a note that says "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children because the beauty of the white aryan woman must not vanish from the earth"
>>think about the white children and how they'll be white aryan "women" (13) one day when you are 45 and you will have lots of pure white totally non-pedophilic sex with them
>>jerk your 2-incher to sleep


so does you


esl troon fail


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