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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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pepe is sick.


>being purple le bad


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>being green le good


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I could be brown, I could be blue
I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful, I could be purple
I could be anything you like

Gotta be green, gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why don't you like me, why don't you like me?
Walk out the door!


He looks so happy

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Who excited?
I have to blow a load beforehand, don't wanna ask Soot questions with a loaded gun hehe.
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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what a fucking kike



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What is my question?



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Hi im new


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>hi new I'm dad


I baked you pie


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Better be good at running Ozzy.


lol he deleted the picture
soot don't be embarrassed we all know

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*licks your computer screen*
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>least insane pole


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>*licks your computer screen*


cheesed to meat you

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/bbcwg/ - BBC worship general #3548
Black genetics explained:
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>>anyone who is getting baited by this chink is equally as worthles as niggers


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Holy gem!


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Lord have mercy what is this gem doing here

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This is my wife, Illya.


chiselled for bbc


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imagine being a grown man and going YAY and having pictures of little chinese cartoon girls doing dances like what do you think you are a 14 year old schoolgirl or something you sick fucking freak i imagine in real life your a proper weird little cunt with no mates and they all look at you in your town like oh looks its that fucking weird autistic kid lets bully the fuck out of him and your only spared cos the guy who was gonna abuse you fancies this girl and shes like no leave it he has things hard enough and the guys like yeah haha what a fucking weird little saddo


but I live in a big city in Poland

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dont actually do it soor it will render the shart unusable

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hi trannys give me drawing requests


i want to bite off pinki's dick and chew it up real nice <33. hopefully his cum will be actually rainbow, that'd just be cute. a mix of smooth rainbow cum and frothy white, cream like blood, would be a dream. <33 continuing on from what i said before, his entire body is edible, correct? to his head to his toes. fun fun. id love to run my fingers through the soft fur on his exposed belly, playing with that little blue heart on his tum tum <3. after taking him in, I'd start with the wings, those small, delicate, little wings. id imagine theyd taste something like vanilla. id pluck off the feathers, one by one, licking that little honeydew-like drop that comes from the base of the wing where the feather connected. pinki's cock, of course, would be dripping with precum. the little slut likes to say he hates sex but he sure does seem to enjoy what im doing to him <3. once hes ripped of his feathers, id crack the wing off at the bone. id suckle the open wound, running my tongue over where the bone connected. with my other hand, id smear the frosting from the other wound over his soft fur, making it a sticky mess. i think you get the picture <3.


Draw some broke guy on the street begging for money.

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 No.6219[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Welcome Soyjakkers of all Trades! It's about time this board deserves a gemtastic storytime all it's own! The Rules are simple. I write the bones of the story,and you fill out the meat!
Let's have a loudy laugh and a great time!
246 posts and 139 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


iv'd thread


coal thread


ID'd thread however


He should start posting on /bant/ (even if he is underage doesn't matter, half of the bant is)


old coal go up

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