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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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what the fuck is a "funkg"?


tranny general for a tranny game on a tranny board on a tranny site


reddit board


for a reddit game

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guys I found a rat :)


That's LITERALLY an opossum, take your meds


new nas just dropped


a/k/a a pouch-rat


he cute


Fauci already debunked this in 2020 though. Google it, its not my job to educate you.

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tranzellig is only funny when soot malds about it
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




ciszellig is always based


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nice selfie lole


back to the tranny containment board shiter

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transzellig is /funkg/ coal? As expected of troonzellig fags


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we told you
the ama was gonna happen

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15 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


who is your favorite zellig?


the old one


who's your favorite us president?




obama? he sucked

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xp is nostalgic though therefore coal


i got more viruses than windows xp

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>namefagging bad


hi ray

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Why is the color from digital cameras so much more lifelike than film?

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How the fuck am I supposed to anime ERP if soot won’t let me post tranime on /soy/?


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>Abridged Satoko


she doesn't even look jewish
wouldn't be able to tell at all if it weren't for the star of saturn pins in her hair


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All anime girls look the same, their hair and cosmetics are the only thing that differentiates them from any other 2d character.


kys shitzilian phonemonkey


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