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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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File: 1652300154565-1.png (344.99 KB, 800x450, ClipboardImage.png)


part of me hates this bitch, part of me wants to rape her
39 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


built for BWC


She's already been doxxed
Hispanic chicks are fat 99 percent of the time, the cute toned latinas you see on instagram are all rich and live in LA


based zoomers


File: 1654309597449.jpeg (38.69 KB, 474x712, OIP (2).jpeg)

>DO try figuring out my age,
birthday, or where I live.
>Do pressure me into streaming
>Do pressure/harass me into making decisions that I can make on my own.
>I will face reveal when you want me to
>Do trauma dump on me, I have no problems in my life and I can help you with yours
>Fanart is cool, DO MAKE NSFW ART OF ME
>Do ask to be mod or VIP even as a joke. I'm shallow as fuck
>Reminder that I appreciate you, and we are frens
>if you break my boundaries, you won't get banned :-)


File: 1654591659768.jpg (391.04 KB, 2048x2048, bean.jpg)

why do the jannies hate her?

File: 1654331277120.jpg (40.87 KB, 528x438, 165432192214.jpg)


knowning normalfag teenager tiktok songs because i heard them from hyperborea webm threads is kind of like being a cool james bond spy infiltrating society and using your training to blend in
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1654565194186.jpg (40.51 KB, 527x438, 1654563500752.jpg)

soy wojak is a depiction of a beta nu-male faggot therefore hating pepe is faggot behavior, good job self inserting soyteen.


File: 1654565981502.jpg (6.13 KB, 235x215, 1654473790977.jpg)

this, so much this


File: 1654566204885.png (307.09 KB, 768x715, 1611877493437.png)

>soy wojak is a depiction of a beta nu-male faggot therefore hating pepe is faggot behavior, good job self inserting soyteen.


she is right


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Asian girls
15 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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File: 1654393755922-0.webm (2 MB, 360x640, 67608f83975c1f2c0bd8a4f65….webm)

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So cute


i once saw a real japanese public masturbator video where the asian girl on the other side of the train was into it, didn't look staged, was pretty cool.

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i thought tsmt meant "then stop missing threads"


holy smokerinos!!! is that a /qwah/ reference?????? nigga im nuts hahahahahahahah


Not kek bro


The men on Omaha beach died for this

File: 1654441764717.gif (75.43 KB, 680x486, e3b.gif)


What is difference between 5chan and 2chan?




5chan is a textboard and 2chan is an imageboard


File: 1654527590274.png (408.52 KB, 593x595, reddit.png)

>kym filename

hecking updooted

File: 1654507612188.png (46.04 KB, 565x525, ClipboardImage.png)


new tossy


built for bbc

File: 1654507345164.png (78.36 KB, 800x800, 6832 - brown_skin glasses ….png)


How do I make 'jaks?


do you have a 'jakking license?

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File: 1654493696698.png (934.4 KB, 1474x688, mutant face.png)


What's his slavic phenotype? Any additional phenotypes?
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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still nas



File: 1654491103569.jpg (67.14 KB, 645x773, wojak-thinking-1.jpg)


Girls actually have brains ?


did you just discover that incel?


File: 1654491219518.png (120.84 KB, 984x1315, 1641953660280.png)

>Girls actually have brains ? ?


ias gem


Well duh how else would they be alive?


File: 1654491425798.png (32.56 KB, 639x962, ee8.png)

>did you just discover that incel?

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