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What phenotype/haplogroup is this? What about his phrenology?




NAS phenotype


Phenotype threads are IAS:


Imo he looks like German/English, but red from the Texan sun. :0


They're chuddy. Idk, because chudjak is a part of the soyjak cinematic universe. Let the ias judge (and maybe jury) decide.


effeminate men who try to mask it


Let's say, hypothetically, for the sake of the argument, tucker carlson is fucking the trans green m&m in the ass, but unironically.


copying cumtown bits will never make you funny




50s dude who plays golf and did a stint in Korea, wife has no idea what he does with his old frat pals


hell yea dude


Being clean-shaven doesn't really add up with that but nice try


Tucker is cool though
He pissed off every Jew in the Western Hemisphere by talking about migration and declining white population in America


american IT guy

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