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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Do cop cars spy on people? It was just the 3rd or 4th time this year a cop car was stopped around my house before driving away slowly.


yes retard thats what cops do


How common is it for them to do so in this way though?



its literally their job anon


4chan moment

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blm board.

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>Are black cocks really as good as /qa/ says? Genuinely curious.



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Are black cocks really as good as /qa/ says? Genuinely curious.


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True story :

>Moved to an illegal state and needed a plug

>Since it was a new city I went full degenerate sissy trap in my free time Ran out of my last stash and went on Tinder to ask girls for weed hookups
>Wasn't getting shit for matches or responses so I made a profile for my girl self
>Literally hundreds of matches in a few hours.
>Matched with a chill and fit black dude who sold weed
>Said I could come thru to get some but said it would be weird if I wasn't dressed up
>Get dolled up in a super cute but slutty first date type outfit
>Literally first time leaving house dressed up but Im a degen stoner and needed to smoke
>Get there and he's super cool says I look sexy and has my bag weighed out
>Heart pounding, butterflies, naturally try and talk like a girl
>"Just rolled one up wanna smoke?"
>Mind screaming to get out of there but say sure
>Chilling and smoking he starts to flirt again and asking me questions
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



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New toss
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this is my kingdom come, this is my kingdom come.


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>demons even doe eugenics good


>Boy could win prizes with the right one, though



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is there any bigger gen z givaway than nostalgia over "goth culture" and obsession with "goth girls"?
goths were widely mocked and seen as faggots back in the day


your post gives away that you're both gay and a boomer


neck yourself, I'm a straight, aryan millennial


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>neck yourself

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I drank sproke and I can see fucking demons under my bed holy shit


Lol I accidentally spiked the coke you used sorry lol haha

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new toss just dropped


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>(fellow psychologist)

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The fact that white monster is associated with Boomers even though the original joke was about old people trying to imitate young people (in this case by drinking a shitty energy drink) is proof of how easily manipulated the mainstream tards on the internet are. basically they all just accepted without any questions that boomers drink monster without thinking about the context
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the meme was always about millennials feeling old and calling themselves boomers since they associate the boomer term with old people.

also see >>25353
generational identity was largely invented in the 20th century by marketers. tell people that they have a certain identity, tell them that consuming certain products is a way of expressing that identity, sales go up.
before that, generations (just like time in general) were seen as more cyclical. differences were made between people in different age ranges, but there was also a wide belief that people's lives were the same regardless of which "generation" they belonged to


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Nice selfie

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