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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Why is she dancing though?

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do you have a question?



bbc what though?

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Newfag to the 'arty here. Felt like talking about the old days and this is the only place I can post about it.

Sometimes out in the wild I'll see a /qa/ meme, like a thoughjak or someone calling another post a gem. I get misty eyed when that happens.

Also all the Morbius memes made me wish /qa/ was still alive, I chuckled at the thought of a 'bius general. The 4chan staff really took their pound of flesh and then some, huh?


That's nuts bro!
Get it? Like that squirrel nigga? haha that was a funny meme


Rent free

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What some things you appreciate about trans people?

Say something about trans community
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i think in the future, the trans movement will be viewed similarly to barbaric practices like blood letting and witch burning - and this singular fact fills me with glee. i hope our time is recognized in future history books as being stupid and backwards


This is the real face of nearly all of the queers
Sometimes trans people kill trans people and I appreciate that


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It will be seen as a part of the beginning of the end, just like Sodom, Gomorrah, Babylon, Rome, Berlin, and many others


Is there a reason you didn't attach the pics to your post?

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what does 'ty think about the GEM package manager?


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have you checked the coal repository?


41 percent OP
Hahaha you will never be a woman we're here to laugh at you



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>Referring to the now deleted 4chan board, /qa/. Either used to make fun of the board's dedicated users or to mock the people who do the former.
>"Fucking trannies ruined this site, hope the join the 41% soon."
"/qa/ lost, lol"

>"Why do /pol/tards insist upon making this site unusable? It's so annoying."
>"/qa/ lost, have sex incel, i'm trans btw"

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Who said this


I unironically said this


Why though


it's just a contrarian version of https://wiki.soyjak.party/index.php/Commie


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why is there so many polish people on here?
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Yeah we know they’re all in the same discord as you


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they are in the discord and im not


You’re in discord


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am not


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this is how i know there's a third one lurking

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Trannies need HRT for their throats


Wow, two things that can destroy someone's body


meds incel it’s just hrt

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how do i get turbo autism


visit soyjak.party


i thought i was being autistic but lokek just called me an incel


Deregulate dopamine and serotonine receptors. But it's just a theory and don't take it for sure.



in any other era a sperg like this would be harvested to benefit society with his gift of being a flesh robot but in the modern world they just masturbate to sonic porn 24/7

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What does sharty think about colored 'jaks?
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okay as an idea but the continued usage in deformed and shitjaks shows the true intentions of their makers


Hi Alice


Hi Andrew


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their makers? the japanese people?


important question

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