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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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new 'toss

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4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


¿Didn't they drop that 6 years ago?


File: 1652384647389.jpg (25.24 KB, 600x627, 164382893370.jpg)

>New supermassive black cock just dropped.


OP is referring to the photo, a new black hole photo just dropped, this time, it's of the one in the center of our Galaxy.


i fucking love science dude


how can a black hole emit light? are you fuckin stupid?? get outttaaaa heeeaaah

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I cant stomach 4chan anymore, been there for 7 years straight.
I laughed and cried reading posts there.
I dont know where I'm going, I feel lost.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


also nas




File: 1654071508319.png (658.16 KB, 1001x823, 439.png)

It's over.


File: 1654076214552.png (415.32 KB, 1024x1024, 1631480004378.png)

>only 7 years


nas dust

File: 1654038880339.png (727.94 KB, 1746x1415, pink floyd its over penis.png)


soot why are you online 24/7 browsing the tranime/trooncord/troonzellig board?


he can't get enough of coco

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soot why are you online 24/7 browsing the tranime/trooncord/troonzellig board?


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New toss just dropped

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I unironically think they would make a great couple


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>I unironically think they would make a great couple


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>I unironically think they would make a great couple


Couple of niggers


they will die in a murder-suicide


They both hate the big corpo

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nas tar


File: 1653949261206.jpeg (123.19 KB, 800x450, R - 2022-05-30T182046.043.jpeg)

need ????


the worst "meme" from the sharty


the cute and valid enbie originated long before the sharty though, it was a tranny qwah meme


meant to say /qa/, but yes it was the worst forced coal on /qa/. i remember how much they would necro their shit and mods never did anything

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>got bullied on soyjak.party again


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dont worry, youre safe in /qa/ (which is pretty much /lgbt/)

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As far as we know the PAW Patrol has the capabilities of international travel and possible covert operation capabilities. However, the PAW Patrol failed to assist in any way during the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979, which is unacceptable seeing as the US diplomats were hostages from November 4, 1979, to January 20, 1981. Could it be that the PAW Patrol is run by Islamic extremist that utilize PAW Patrol to increase positive images of the extremist, while also taking money from the UN? Or that the PAW Patrol is US run, and was told by the CIA to not intervene with the hostage crisis? If it is the former, why so? Could the Iran Hostage Crisis be a hoax, used to crack down on Iran for bringing down the monarchy that was ruling Iran, made possible by a coup from the US and UK?
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this is why we need to defund the paw patrol


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why is there birdie fanart on /qa/? lmao


kuzzy got that rolly drip doe


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Дон Толивер после вечеринки
текст после вечеринки
хорошо, я подтяну копипасту
хорошо, я подтяну песню
хорошо, я подтяну капибару
хорошо, я подтягиваю песню
после вечеринки дон толивер
ок, я подтяну мем
После вечеринки (CHOPNOTSLOP REMIX)
Дон Толивер
Хорошо, я подъезжаю, выхожу на вечеринку
Ты и все твои друзья, да, они любят шалить
Потягиваю эту Хенн, я знаю, ты любишь этот Бакарди (Sonny Digital)
1942 год, я возвращаю тебя в этот «Рари»
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