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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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>The Sharty is shit. It's like 50% Australian Discord trannies spamming/bumping BBC Cobson, and various other trannies posting Chudjaks and complaining about "chuds" not accepting them, or "chuds" not worshipping shitskins like a good ally. Troons even started unironically posting their selfies lately. The jannies don't do anything about it either because they're either lazy retards, or are complicit troons themselves. They deleted a "Total Nigger Death" thread and permabanned the OP, but unbanned the OP of another Cobsontroon thread and restored his niggerdick pics. The userbase is hostile to any new 'jak content besides the same recycled shit that's been spammed constantly for 2 years. Soot is a fat worthless failure who needs to ACK! himself. Unironically Frenschan /qa/ is the last bastion of Soyjakking.


nas nigger


i'm romanian

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