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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1651441536190.jpg (104.83 KB, 800x1131, 612Hi8twkbL.jpg)



Patch likes soy
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




Too lste, its started on pol


no he is a pedo and likes cp

patch spammed his stuff on bStall a while ago and I had to ban him.




Voidchan.net unlocked its boards and it has only 1 mod

File: 1647206073145.png (100.67 KB, 600x800, 1259 - ed2e9cb43a0465dec92….png)


>4cuck boards
wtf what happened to raiding tiny altchans? much easier and funnier to do
56 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Tsmt. Raiding tiny altchans that allow vpn/for nodes is very comfy


this so much, tranny?



old and shit and irrelevant



File: 1653333669098.png (1.11 MB, 1600x1238, 1650398880659.png)


A new safe haven for jakkers, /findom/ generals on trash

In this fetish lifestyle, in particular a practice of Dominance and submission, a submissive (cash piggy, finsub, human ATM, money slave or paypig) gives gifts and money to a financial dominant (findomme, Goddess, money domme, money mistress or cashmaster). The dominant part is mostly female, the submissive is almost always male. Financial Domination will also have been practiced before in individual cases, but it only became more widespread and took on its current form after the introduction of the Internet. The relationship between the two parts (including paying) often takes place solely via online communication. Moneydommes present themselves on their own websites, relevant web portals or social networks. Of the latter, Twitter plays by far the largest role


File: 1653333741562.png (52.46 KB, 775x849, not amused.png)

Thanks, but I'm sticking with /blacked/.

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raid these trannycord faggots


File: 1653330143396.png (722.78 KB, 974x998, hjo.png)

>raid these trannycord faggots


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he mad
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1648133743342.png (375.25 KB, 1280x720, brown bricks.png)


no u


File: 1651689497702.png (32.01 KB, 818x1092, dedl60i-21b54c11-34b4-45d4….png)

bumping this thread cause fuck you


File: 1651694359781.png (177.83 KB, 743x706, Mexican Twink reality.png)

>bumping this thread cause fuck you


jewsh deserves to be dropkicked for making me eat from the ground

File: 1652201428950.jpg (80.41 KB, 1280x720, 1438994631203.jpg)



Go. Do it today


based, fuck yuriniggers

File: 1653158299257.png (226.17 KB, 662x862, v6nb3v.png)


It's time for revenge.
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AHAHAHAAHAHAH yes sure soiteens can we even begin to handle this one


fnf is kinda gay but we are not your personal army
fuck off retard


>we're not your personal army
>/raid/ board





File: 1652055166604.png (330.75 KB, 1016x744, PEE.png)


PNGExtraEmbedder (PEE) is a FOSS extension which allows you to view and upload images that contain hidden embeds on 4chan, it's capable of embedding any kind of file(s) into images/gifs/webms flawlessly (up to 5 files can be embedded in one image), which makes it an epic tool for stealthjaking and other raiding operations.
You can find the extension here:
- For Chrome-based browsers: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pngextraembedder/bfhpobiikighljcapcfmfganodihbicj
- For Firefox: https://git.coom.tech/coomdev/PEE/raw/branch/%E4%B8%AD%E5%87%BA%E3%81%97/pngextraembedder-0.222-an+fx.xpi (The extension is signed so you can just drag and drop it on your about:addons tab)
- Source: https://github.com/coomdev/pngextraembedder / https://git.coom.tech/fuckjannies/lolipiss
24 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


touch grass all of you


enable developer mode and load the crx in there
also can you find PEE'd images on the archive?


ok but how do you embed things



File: 1653268600188.png (56.51 KB, 220x221, frog fact.png)

frogs are IAS if they have troonjaks embeded

File: 1653231771494-0.jpg (11.13 KB, 246x246, c864b762252252021eae8161ae….jpg)

File: 1653231771494-1.png (79.69 KB, 574x596, 1644416616142.png)


4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


mod probably wiped it because of spam


must've been bad for them just to wipe it all.
did anyone save screenshots?


idk, i'm just speculating
i posted a few and realized that if you pressed upload multiple times your image would get uploaded multiple times
but eventually the site timed out and i just didnt care to try it again


kuz thread


is back

File: 1653240731570.gif (21.92 KB, 307x343, soyboy.gif)


>i post self-insert coallies in raids. btw i come from america and i also drink soylent and i also eat vegan meat and i'm also a cuckold and i'm also a numale


File: 1653240776071.png (38.24 KB, 473x545, iassed.png)

>>i post self-insert coallies in raids. btw i come from america and i also drink soylent and i also eat vegan meat and i'm also a cuckold and i'm also a numale

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