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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1646416309587.png (230.07 KB, 728x320, Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at ….png)


Steal /w/'s >>2222222 get by uploading a bunch of basedjak wallpapers; there's less than 100 posts left.

/w/ is an extremely slow board
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I use overboard though


only 30 posts left, gem it up


>Slow board
Come back when it's 10 posts


looks like one chud stepped in and stole the get.


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>So mods, you delete and ban me for posting a very general thread in order to stop /qa/ from stealing >>2222222 #, but you actually let >>2222222 # itself stay up?

Did the 'jakkies infiltrate the mod team?

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vent channel is full of 30 year old trannies grooming children


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kys tranny


Why you care?

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You pieces of shit better not raid /b/ though



Ummmm Ok



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lots of nudes and mentally unstable individuals


I won't enter your groomer shitscord.

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You done good frostlakes, we do not take that kind of shit litely nigga. Say goodbye to yo mama and yo girl nigga, you don't know whens the last time yuou see them.
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Don't know why I rushed to delete the original thread, probably shouldnt do that.


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Why’d you delete it???


https://archive.is/ayt75 here you go faggot i snapped it in time

anyone have the btfo webm here? i need it



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https://boards.4channel.org/sci/thread/14276089 saw this coal and i want to turn it into a gemmy

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