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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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how do i access it
typing the link in the url instead of clicking it still gives 404

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Why do raids not get any traction anymore?


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because it has always been over


because most raid suggestions are on 4chud board and you can only pay for so many proxies to keep juggling 100 permabans on the same website.


There are people who actually pay for this shit?


how else would they get all those proxies amd vpns?


Proxies are very cheap tho, I put $3 on MysteriumVPN and I got enough data for like 20+ raids

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This guy went on an autistic rampage on my friend but I fear you guys will relate to him too much

Pic unrelated



I look like that

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a few soyjaks posted and the cuck admin of voidchan turned his imageboard into a members only sekrit club, LOL
20 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


kill yourself mossad agent


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>kill yourself <thing>


Admin is asleep


"No one has bumped the raid thread in 9 days"


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Hello Catanon

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raid this 4chan clone altchan site called hrt.cafe


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With the sale of twitter to Elon Musk being all but certain now, many trannies and libshits are trying to flock to a new echo dome before the new policy changes are enacted and certain former figures once again have their accounts reinstated. Most notable two examples are Mastodon and Tumblr, which have become highly desirable for these people.
By filling these sites (specifically mastodon) with media such as gore and botched transgender reconstruction photos alongside general hate and “unacceptable language”, we can invalidate these platforms before they ever have a chance to replace twitter as the dominant mainstream social network, knowing that opposing political and economic groups will certainly attempt to restore their dominion through a new site.

While some may understandably find the idea of twitter staying in the hands of just another billionaire undesirable, let me remind you that this is the game we must play and it is the system by which we are forced to abide. We can either play the cards that are given to us, or we can sit idly by and allow them to make the decisions for us. This is the first time in the better part of 4 years that more unorthodox speech is finally having the clamps slowly lifted off it. Take advantage now...




Mastodon was always full of trannies, meds


the fediverse was made by trannies

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raid your dick in my ass


what does this mean


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raid >>>/raid/ i heard they love white people and hate trans people


my wife's son agrees

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Raid 4chan.org/qa


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>Raid 4chan.org/qa


cant raid what isnt there

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I find that /lit/, /x/, and /tg/ have some of the most self-important sensitive jannies.




/a/. If you're not part of the mods discords even posting a pepe image will get you banned.





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