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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652055166604.png (330.75 KB, 1016x744, PEE.png)


PNGExtraEmbedder (PEE) is a FOSS extension which allows you to view and upload images that contain hidden embeds on 4chan, it's capable of embedding any kind of file(s) into images/gifs/webms flawlessly (up to 5 files can be embedded in one image), which makes it an epic tool for stealthjaking and other raiding operations.
You can find the extension here:
- For Chrome-based browsers: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pngextraembedder/bfhpobiikighljcapcfmfganodihbicj
- For Firefox: https://git.coom.tech/coomdev/PEE/raw/branch/%E4%B8%AD%E5%87%BA%E3%81%97/pngextraembedder-0.222-an+fx.xpi (The extension is signed so you can just drag and drop it on your about:addons tab)
- Source: https://github.com/coomdev/pngextraembedder / https://git.coom.tech/fuckjannies/lolipiss


- For Firefox: https://github.com/coomdev/pngextraembedder/raw/main/pngextraembedder-0.222-an%2Bfx.xpi
This one works, the link in OP is broken it looks.




How does this work anyway?
Is it actually linked to the metadata of the pngs or what?


It's inside the image itself, which means if somebody saves the image and reposts it it'll still have the embedded files for everyone with the extension to view.


File: 1652058701162.png (92.42 KB, 865x214, ClipboardImage.png)

Here's an example of how it looks seeing the embeds


That's pretty spooky, I assume this is already being used to spread all kinds of bad stuff


wouldn't be your fault for downloading something like this, also some stegano does work on 4cuck anyways so you wouldn't need this one even


Currently it's mostly being used to share porn on SFW boards... But we can change that with time.


File: 1652059144829.png (13.6 KB, 346x209, ClipboardImage.png)

PEE can also embed text into images.


>age restricted on chrome
can anyone send a zip of the extension, jewgle won't let me use it.




Download firefox


post some examples of threads where it's being used


Go on /v/ and you'll likely find a few porn sharing threads using it.


Chrome doesn't allow you to self distribute extensions, so either download Firefox or log into your Jewgle account


tranny shit kys


>even tho bbc


thanks for the reminder, i really should pee


>log in jewgle
>have to verify age with gay ID and credit card for the glowies
This sucks balls.


>have to verify age with gay ID and credit card for the glowies


Use Firefox


Enable developer mode for your extensions, and side load it.


Give the sideload shit then



touch grass all of you


enable developer mode and load the crx in there
also can you find PEE'd images on the archive?


ok but how do you embed things



File: 1653268600188.png (56.51 KB, 220x221, frog fact.png)

frogs are IAS if they have troonjaks embeded

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