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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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was only fail because you niggers wouldn't duel me

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You will never raid my new secret chan.

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>see soyjak posts in /sp/
>it's a shitty opinion
More boring than OTwain on steroids

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Hello, fat ass incels, I know you raided /v/ every day with your ugly ass projections of yourself, but it's completely useless because jannies are fast, and there's nothing you can do about it.


slit your wrists toad faggot


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>Hello, fat ass incels, I know you raided /v/ every day with your ugly ass projections of yourself, but it's completely useless because jannies are fast, and there's nothing you can do about it.

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We need to raid /tv/ again


Hell no, mods are on full alert right now, they might even range ban you

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You miss me?
6 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you didn't raid SHIT zoomie, all you did was spam some nigger pictures that got cleaned up by jannies, your impact was more that of a fucking toilet flush


ohnonono... don't bring it up again .. soiteens lost and got btfo so hjard they must've developed post-ass rape ptsd KEK




it was literally just one guy who wanted to raid nobody else wanted anything to do with it


When did a RGC gag character become associated with FNF?

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cp server link ==DO NOT CLICK==


child prodigy

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i need a link to this that works




doesnt work

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Bros I think we should start watching tranime.

Hear me out, the jaks don't work anymore. We need to infiltrate. If we start watching and join in discussion we can derail and control threads and there's nothing they can do about it.

We can make our own memes and shitposts that we can share and spread amongst them. We lose the war on the front everytime. We get banned on sight. It's time to get unconventional. A little gorilla warfare and a manual on psyops goes a long way.

For example if a character is being a little beta bitch or a weak whiny whore well tweak it and instead of a jak well use the worst screenshots from the show. We can add in our own strawmans and greentexts. There's already a few people that do it already but with us as the catylst we can push it forward.

With us studying up and having watching shows looking for shit to make fun of we can recommend stuff to each other so we can all be in the same threads and on the same page. We can rule /a/. Not by janitorial power but by the populi.

Most characters are cucks and or mentally ill. It's too easy. We can push the anti-tranny movement and divide the board harder. If they try pushing back it or try arguing doesn't matter we have a group of jakkers on standby we got your back. We can destroy the faggot hives right in their own threads and there's nothing they can do.

The pieces are there we just need to get them together enough so it can be self sufficient.
The problem is I don't watch anime, where do we start, what do we all watch first?


FAL fail


>Everyone is FAL
meds you looser you scared him off he dont post anymore stop being so fucking obssessed over a ghost cringe
>WAAAAAAH tranny janny on the trannycord I found a tranny
ACK yourself

Fine I'll try again tomorrow when the janny isn't being a little faggot


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Fuck off, this is a soy place, not gonna bother watching your tranime shit.


Nice self portrait. Chud.

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