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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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We can do it soyteens, that'd be an epic sharty victory
[1600, 1919]



small and covert, i rike it


I am your personal army. roll out soldiers


sharty can't stop losin

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 No.23808[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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it doesnt directly but a lot of programmers end up trooning out so....


>why do terminally online autistic losers troon out?






Bumping this gem

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Theres a very unsportsmanlike player at our club who constantly taunts and belittles everyone else. Whenver you make a mistake he yells out "blunder!" or "inaccuracy!" ... "better move was..." and then says the engine move or what he thinks the engine move is. He also says what he thinks the engine +- is. He plays the kings gambit as much as he can and knows like 30 moves deep into every variation. If you respond something other than e5 to 1.e4 he just laughs and calls you a patzer.
He's also OBSESSED with Hikaru Nakamura. He talks about him all the time and shows everyone a picture of him with Hikaru (Its really blurry so its hard to tell if its even him). He's constantly talking about him as if he's a close friend even though he only (maybe?) met him one time. Its bordering on creepy and makes everyone uncomfortable. He calls him "Hikaru-San" which I think is part of his obsession with Japanese culture. He also brings japanese noodles/Ramen to the club every day and will spend like 5-10 minute eating them during his turn just to taunt you. Meanwhile he will be mumbling words in japanese.
We tried approaching about his conduct but he just did some weird anime villain laugh, yelled something in Japanese, then ran off to challenge another person to a blitz match. We obviously don't want to tell him not to come but it feels like his presence is deterring new people from joining and its also exhuasting.


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>Theres a very unsportsmanlike player at our club who constantly taunts and belittles everyone else. Whenver you make a mistake he yells out "blunder!" or "inaccuracy!" ... "better move was..." and then says the engine move or what he thinks the engine move is. He also says what he thinks the engine +- is. He plays the kings gambit as much as he can and knows like 30 moves deep into every variation. If you respond something other than e5 to 1.e4 he just laughs and calls you a patzer.
He's also OBSESSED with Hikaru Nakamura. He talks about him all the time and shows everyone a picture of him with Hikaru (Its really blurry so its hard to tell if its even him). He's constantly talking about him as if he's a close friend even though he only (maybe?) met him one time. Its bordering on creepy and makes everyone uncomfortable. He calls him "Hikaru-San" which I think is part of his obsession with Japanese culture. He also brings japanese noodles/Ramen to the club every day and will spend like 5-10 minute eating them during his turn just to taunt you. Meanwhile he will be mumbling words in japanese.
We tried approaching about his conduct but he just did some weird anime villain laugh, yelled something in Japanese, then ran off to challenge another person to a blitz match. We obviously don't want to tell him not to come but it feels like his presence is deterring new people from joining and its also exhuasting.



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>When you tell soyposters that they should raid a therapy session.
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i dont get it you make appointments you dont raid therapy sessions


i didnt ask

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Let`s raid the schizo website (abovetopsecret)


Fed honey pot site


Is this Boomer Qshit? But Reddit?


STFU it has help me on my research about UFOs.
Nope and also downvote.

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raid this shitty troon old roblox revival https://tadah.rocks/


what the fuck even is that


registration is down
what happened?


i got the memo
some polcel staff leaked ips so the website isn't accepting new users for now


op coal

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I spread the soy my masters. Help me in this journey.





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r/place is returning on April first, we need to decide what gem we'll be adding to it
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/pol/ did good work before jannies decided they're not allowed have fun.




>april 4th
>still nothing
Soy teen fail


soyteen win because it shows how few of our members are redditors
soyteen fail because soyjaks are internet culture and deserve to be featured.
however I heard many people got their art deleted and the same would likely have had occurred to us
instead of seething over our defeats we should learn from them and hecking do better.


everyone made burners though

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some romanian tranny schizoid is bullying jakkers on /bant/
help needed
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does that schizo still post on there?


Romanians don't look like that tranny not even their gypsies.


I raided the board btw


post caps or fake


I didn't took a screencap because I just wanted to wipe a few pages
but I made most of the threads here

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he shut it down


I don't want to


What a pussy coward faggot

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