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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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onionsjak the planet

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When will onionsjaks become a force to be reckoned with in real life? Someone should pay someone famous to onionsquote on tv or some politician to do it in the parliament. Now that's a timeline I'd like to be part of.
6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1648846441815.jpg (27.72 KB, 600x765, soyter white.jpg)

Stay out of my timeline faggots. This is literally and unironically my timeline


not a rebuttal


my timeline




I literally own this timeline fagg

File: 1648827609749.png (10.7 KB, 192x192, raid.png)


Raid r/place on reddit fags


There's already a thread you nigger

File: 1644394580430.png (49.88 KB, 257x272, smug.png)


let's steal >>>/raid/22222
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




File: 1648657369102.png (170.9 KB, 461x476, 3553 - 99db0d727f4bca0fd90….png)

fuck yeah


coalmy get


I don’t get it



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Reddit has resurrected /r/place
FAG FLAGS are up


what the fuck is that, im not a redditor


go back


999x999 pixel canvas, timeout is 5 minutes


On /b/ they're talking about drawing a giant 'Z' on the troon flag centre right

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Do we have the entire autosage list for /tv/ and /v/?
Here's what I know is banned from /v/:
>vidya butts
>what are some games
>any games where
>what did he mean by this
>games for this feel
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


because 4cuck is ran by snowflakes, manchildren, incels and deluded trannies chud


Too lazy to make a new thread, so I'm gonna ask here.
/bant/ or [s4s] which one is easier to raid.


something to do with thinly veiled shitposts
>"what are some games about gas?"
>thread is about farting/brapping


S4s cuz it's full of retarded trannies


/bant/ is already /qa/-adjacent, but /s4s/ is clique of stuck-up trannies who get immensely triggered every time a frog or a wojak gets posted to their dead boars.

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fuck youy penis penis poop


obama balls


File: 1648742381072.jpeg (27.81 KB, 554x554, images (16) (4).jpeg)

biden is more sus than you

File: 1648710157373.png (367.5 KB, 750x1121, Gem it up.png)


/lit/ is asleep
You know what to do


no i dont


You didn’t read the shartist manifesto ? It’s time you wake up chud

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It was a shit board.

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