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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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pickle Ricky though


that's pickle 'telli asshole

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Plan to shitpost for 4 years in college. But you have to live on campus and use their wifi which is blocked on the site. So you use feedback for days and nothing happens. IRC has blacklisted your ip so you have to use a vpn to use irc. Hotspot free version randomly disconnects after certain time of use and throws you out of irc.

I dont even care the IP is revealed. /qa/ is also down. I plan to kill myself if i dont get unbanned within a year.

Pls suggest vpns that work. Or something else idk.
17 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


stop lying. almost every normal consumer vpn is banned such as nord, mullvad, etc. because they all use shitty datacenter ips. get residential proxies or vpn, (not shitty 7$


on a second thought, OpenVPN might be overkill. it's kinda hard to configure if you've never done this stuff before and you would get some overhead. a SOCKS proxy would be neat for what you're trying to do. v2ray and shadowsocks both work well with OpenWrt.




>Lifted in a matter of days
Biggest lie of all time


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>Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology Raebareli Up

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someone post these in here for me im banned https://boards.4channel.org/wsg/thread/4400264






uh oh

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new dead altchan dropped
You know what to do




Not clicking that ip grabber


use tor incel


clicked it twice just to spite you


please guys? on the discussion board?

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Don't challenge us.


>Sonic.exe general
Cringe and for underaged retards who like Creepypastas about Sonic The Hedgehog, lmao.


Shut up, /exeg/-trannies.


fuck's sake chud
haven't you learned from past mistakes?
never raid /vg/


how do we stop sonic4?

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Preliminary data sourcing: complete

Preliminary data tests: complete

Preliminary infrastructure tests: complete

Test 0.08 status: complete

Test 0.09 status: complete

Test 0.1 infrastructure status: complete

Test 0.1 status: complete

Test 0.2 infrastructure status: ongoing
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


there is no stage 2 faget

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discord trannies with no moderation.


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Post some jakkies up in 4chan.org/bant/

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We're looking for a few new janitors for /tv/. If you're interested in helping to clean up the board a little, please apply using the link below:


Thank you in advance for applying

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/trash/ get is in a couple days. we ARE going to steal it, right?
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no, but the /vt/ get needs to be an annoying orange get so steal that


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https://soyjak.party/pol//res/23363.html https://soyjak.party/pol/src/1644867828200.mp4
get your amuntion here folks /\ also can anyone downsize this webm /\ i wanna make it 4chan compatiible (under 4mb without audio)
this anti-furry copypasta may come handy GOGOGO https://archive.is/05WRP#q21780
this might help you understand the banning system and how to cheat it https://soyjak.party/raid//res/22518.html
oh and lastly ==YOU WILL NEVER BE A REAL MAGICAL ANIMAL== kys (((furfag))) scum


Zoophilia is keyed thoughy + no one who ever posted yes chad looks like that


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is this you


kek i just made that a few hours ago you were following me the whole time? (are we gonna do the raid?)

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