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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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let's raid these birdfuckers






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They took it from the soys


Mods cheated that get.


>sripted get
>Mods deleted most of the negative comments
>it's a yuri pedo OP
/vp/ deserves the worst.

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didn't worked

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Jaden Animations is obviously not aroace. For many reasons, which I will state now: Number one, gay people aren't real Number two, she is my waifu and cannot be aroace. Number three, I said so Number four, she has a father figure so she cannot be gay Number 5, I had a dream we had sex so she's straight Number 6, I'm always right Number seven, she's doing it for attention Number eight, this only happened after Biden got in office. Arguments are pointless, there is absolutely no way you can argue about this.


All women are asexual when Chad isn't around.


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Me 2


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>number six
>number seven


Why people care about her? she's an ugly asian mutt that looks nothing like her avatar that got a shit load of porn.


I don't thoink these people outside of twitter exist.

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raid black souls


name and sauce?


hard game

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Crimen laesae maiestatis


a lot of rules that are barely if ever enforced on a lot of boards are enforced consistently on /a/. i can talk shit about jannies, be racist and make ironic shitposts on most boards but the second you do it on /a/ you eat a ban. i'm not sure why that's the only board in which they care about strictly adhering to the rules like this.


Based, mods = gods


based, get fucked teen

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You WILL raid r/Wojak_Porn with attractive sexy 'jaks
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


go back


cope seethe mald cuckchanner


You need to be at least 16 to post here, little baby.


Get the rope, newfag.


A version of me isn't sexy

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Did we get the leftypol get?






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>Hey, /lgbt/.

>I hate to be the bearer of bad news but apparently you lost. A bunch of highly transphobic expats from /qa/ have taken sheeter at pixelplanet and are mocking you insistently. It would be a shame if a bunch of people went there and griefed their hateful "artwork".

>link is: https://pixelplanet.fun/#d,-864,-550,10


rtx doesn't affect fps, dumbass


It does lol


ellaborate dumbfuck.

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coal tranny board, lets steal their get


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kuz won



Who won the gets?

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