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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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itt we plan a raid on incels.is

>inb4 b-b-b-but im an incel

>inb4 troonjak
>inb4 muh board culture
no one gives a SHIT. if you dont want to have fun go back to schizoposting by yourself


cool raid bro


ok, plan it.


Fed website

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Do "GET scripts" actually exist? Link if so?

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hop in, dude


>deleted all my posts
it's over



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20 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread


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Im not the admin, im permabanned


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Ummmmmmmmm Niggers tongue my anus??


They do

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There are multiple ways to dab. The most common is the "router reset" method.

Since a majority of shitposters are US, I will only make an OP for US dabposters. Ask me specific questions about your modem and I will see if I can help you become a dabber.

However, this requires either very specific tooling or components. In order to become a dabber you will need the following:

1: Verizon FiOS - Most routers today for FiOS have a DHCP Release/Renew button. https://youtu.be/7UppP7VGazs] If this doesn't work, you'll need to leave your ONT and Router unplugged overnight to cycle the DHCP lease from the pool.

2: Comcast or other Cable-based modems in the US. You will need a modem that is hooked to a router that will allow you to change its IP address. I recommend the following:
What you need to do to dab on cable is easy. Log into the router, change the MAC address to something random (I usually change the last digit), click save, then unplug the modem, and plug it back in. Simple as.

3: Resident Proxies - These can be found easily online. Search for them.

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just remember to refresh after


We're laughing at you in the heaven vc


We're feeling sorry for you in the hell tc


what if I'm rangebanned


In the past 2 months I have been blocked specifically on the browser I was using. when I changed to a different browser like waterfox an IP that said it was rangebanned was perfectly fine to post. No one has ever said mods were able to do that and if you suspect that you're affected by it then try what I did

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He's arguing with chat right now.
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death website, not enough personal soliders.


are we here?


No, death website


yes, it is


yes, it is

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reddit is bringing back place
rev up those scripts, the big day is coming soon


>u didnt even post in the thread, too scared 2 get banned yet post it here
Check 4bans


a man chooses a slave obeys

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/3/ soijak



I did it in my sleep. I am all powerful.

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he's sneeding


>discord tranny<><

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