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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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A new safe haven for jakkers, /findom/ generals on trash

In this fetish lifestyle, in particular a practice of Dominance and submission, a submissive (cash piggy, finsub, human ATM, money slave or paypig) gives gifts and money to a financial dominant (findomme, Goddess, money domme, money mistress or cashmaster). The dominant part is mostly female, the submissive is almost always male. Financial Domination will also have been practiced before in individual cases, but it only became more widespread and took on its current form after the introduction of the Internet. The relationship between the two parts (including paying) often takes place solely via online communication. Moneydommes present themselves on their own websites, relevant web portals or social networks. Of the latter, Twitter plays by far the largest role


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Thanks, but I'm sticking with /blacked/.

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