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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1654236448092.png (1.93 MB, 1200x1200, 165423450912.png)


let's make soyjak pages on autistic wikis like wikifeet

File: 1654182347251.png (26.33 KB, 454x520, 1624285126885.png)



I would but I’m on my phone

File: 1654181225791.gif (3.71 MB, 637x480, 1721B2B9-91FB-435C-825E-F1….gif)



Why not

File: 1653451286907.png (1.71 MB, 3161x2108, 3421 - 8chan 8kun arm bloo….png)


Frensglowies are making fun of us soyteens. We need to teach those honeypot frogposters a lesson...!
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


kys shill


File: 1653494943999.jpeg (159.15 KB, 1024x920, Salvadorramosfake.jpeg)



File: 1653513934663.png (137.2 KB, 1250x1250, 9146 - closed_eyes closed_….png)


blah blah blah


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make sure to post some shit occasionally it seems like their /qa/ has become a breeding ground for discord nusoyjakkers that we must disrupt at all costs

File: 1654106214688.png (111.38 KB, 1106x1012, 11676 - bloodshot_eyes cry….png)



make sure to spam lots of -ACK! and YWNBAW


Its not letting me in without verifying an email


that's why you use a burner silly




File: 1654130639401.jpg (216.71 KB, 616x625, 1653708695237.jpg)

>you must be a member for at least 10 minutes to send messages in this server.

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massive raid happening on https://boards.4channel.org/tv/catalog
tranny janny removing janny images


File: 1654114490110.png (18.51 KB, 750x773, party saving gemmie.png)


irrelevant coal


jannies awake now


lol I thought it was a penis but it's just a cat xDDDD


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Make threads on /v/ about the new SOOT game that just launched and make them gemmy


Not a viral marketing thread btw.
I am in no way associated with Ceiba Software and Arts or with Badland Publishing, although this statement is not legally binding.


>Viral marketing thread


Wrong, see here >>26718

File: 1653225461177.png (81.54 KB, 600x800, 2y2ivlb5pp471.png)


ip: wilno.hs.vc
about: animefags server
version: 1.18.2
8 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




raiding half-dead private minecraft servers is peak gem


File: 1653420056320.webm (451.83 KB, 1280x720, nigger.webm)



mądre słowa ślązaka



File: 1653983950725.png (1.16 MB, 1305x744, Capture.PNG)


Raid this nigger-loving feminist go go go go go
guaranteed reactions :)


Hitler was racist tho

File: 1653918652345.png (310.09 KB, 479x580, 1635815415219.png)


How do I banevade? Is this the right board?


do you have a basic understanding of how to use http proxies or do you need to be spoonfed


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