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/muv/ - Music & Video Games

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File: 1651251257899-1.png (125.31 KB, 1190x808, 1984.png)


Is this really a thing in japan too? I thought the west did it because of /v/ psyops


otakus are just as much of a dissapointment to their fathers in japan as weebs are here, its no surprise that they are leftists


could be that they have some of the same regulation forcing it. Government mandated stuff, same way they force cheesy moral lessons into public programming. In america, this takes the form of corporations forced into a bear-race to prove they aren't racist to regulators empowered by civil rights legislation. The best corporations are those most capable of suspending the cognitive dissonance between business needs and mandatory doctrine production.


what is such a cognizant post doing on my deranged schizophrenic fecal arts and crafts forum?

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