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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1643613055450-0.jpg (107.6 KB, 634x669, R (85).jpg)

File: 1643613055450-1.png (473.67 KB, 1480x831, snitch.PNG)


You done good frostlakes, we do not take that kind of shit litely nigga. Say goodbye to yo mama and yo girl nigga, you don't know whens the last time yuou see them.


your second image ain't working nigga 🙄🙄🙄
you gotta reupload it fr


File: 1643613510309-0.png (473.67 KB, 1480x831, snitch.PNG)

File: 1643613510309-1.png (184.25 KB, 1495x714, ajsajsakjajs.PNG)


God reading his posts is sad, just a little sad man obsessed with others. Sad.


Don't know why I rushed to delete the original thread, probably shouldnt do that.


File: 1643614458618.png (15.85 KB, 640x934, 4B3F3DF4-C895-4E1B-BAA8-B5….png)

Why’d you delete it???


https://archive.is/ayt75 here you go faggot i snapped it in time

anyone have the btfo webm here? i need it



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