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/raid/ - Raid

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1646435826321.png (586.34 KB, 800x1349, 4110 - c43007a6d0741e5039d….png)


/trash/ get is in a couple days. we ARE going to steal it, right?


File: 1646435876209.jpg (10.38 KB, 236x236, 25ab71986ae2517ee1ed604ad3….jpg)



no, but the /vt/ get needs to be an annoying orange get so steal that


File: 1646478849497.jpg (135.63 KB, 624x750, Furries are cringe subredd….jpg)

https://soyjak.party/pol//res/23363.html https://soyjak.party/pol/src/1644867828200.mp4
get your amuntion here folks /\ also can anyone downsize this webm /\ i wanna make it 4chan compatiible (under 4mb without audio)
this anti-furry copypasta may come handy GOGOGO https://archive.is/05WRP#q21780
this might help you understand the banning system and how to cheat it https://soyjak.party/raid//res/22518.html
oh and lastly ==YOU WILL NEVER BE A REAL MAGICAL ANIMAL== kys (((furfag))) scum


Zoophilia is keyed thoughy + no one who ever posted yes chad looks like that


File: 1646499680520.png (792.29 KB, 2552x1124, Screenshot 2022-03-05 at 1….png)

is this you


kek i just made that a few hours ago you were following me the whole time? (are we gonna do the raid?)

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