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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1644119481904.png (603.43 KB, 1024x1024, large.png)





Good work killing Voidchan lol


File: 1648488046208.gif (184.32 KB, 418x498, longday.gif)

niggers tongue my anus, sucks 2 suck


File: 1648488112446.png (34.5 KB, 451x679, chucdcel.png)

>niggers tongue my anus, sucks 2 suck


>niggers tongue my anus
kinda gay


File: 1648488190058.png (359.83 KB, 768x719, 1646494637636.png)

>>niggers tongue my anus, sucks 2 suck


gem to the gem of the gem



File: 1648488362723.png (624.92 KB, 800x450, 1647762149482.png)

lots of jealous White Boys whos clitty's we have yet to see!


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File: 1648488673789.jpg (15.61 KB, 400x400, (you).jpg)


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Answer. NOW.


File: 1648488808705.jpg (26.45 KB, 739x415, reddit-images37838539.jpg)

U-Um.... Y-yes, Tyrone?...


File: 1648488841656.png (27.12 KB, 249x349, ClipboardImage.png)

these soytards will keep seething about 4chan success yet raid any small altchan and kill competition


File: 1648489055691.png (370.07 KB, 737x702, 1648221427543.png)

Time for you White Boys to pleasure some BBC. NOW.


File: 1648489117538.png (507.37 KB, 894x894, ___sexy_braeburn____by_res….png)



Funny thing is, the admin is blaming me for the raid and i wasnt even awake.


File: 1648489363053.png (10.04 KB, 255x255, 1648436002720-2.png)

>i know you incited the raid


File: 1648489453701.jpg (103.5 KB, 800x800, heh.jpg)

>Funny thing is


>discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread discord drama thread


File: 1648490345210.gif (273.2 KB, 112x112, ezgif-2-5c8025bf76.gif)

can you open the boards up on voidchan again instead of crying over who sucked what BBC? i have new edits to spam and IDC about ur fag drama


Im not the admin, im permabanned


File: 1648492869417.png (4.9 KB, 112x112, 1648404442298.png)

Ummmmmmmmm Niggers tongue my anus??


They do

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