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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1648513571325.png (26.15 KB, 2800x1120, o4ittvff35q81.png)


r/place is returning on April first, we need to decide what gem we'll be adding to it


File: 1648533990491.png (17.29 KB, 585x522, 675636.png)

Spam the sharty mascot


>tranny icon
no thank you ill be choosing gemson or something else


File: 1648536063585.png (512.31 KB, 1024x1024, sproke gang.png)

based 'sonbro


File: 1648536444603.gif (3.37 MB, 600x600, troon.gif)

>>tranny icon
>no thank you ill be choosing gemson or something else



Bumo. We need to get this win soyteens




nobody wants to advertise to reddit I guess


File: 1648947357086.gif (6.3 KB, 560x320, 3603 - animated arm gif gl….gif)

I suggested this earlier
chances are they will expand the canvas again tomorrow


the sharty is dying tho, we need new members despite the fact


it's going away tomorrow however
also 4cuckolds already tried to raid and they got BTFO + we have even smaller numbers


File: 1649025620556.jpeg (23.66 KB, 307x276, 242345DE-F743-4366-A269-D….jpeg)

help make the thrembo symbol in black, its on the front facing pepe or 2711058


4cuck jannies jannied every thread albeit


/pol/ did good work before jannies decided they're not allowed have fun.




>april 4th
>still nothing
Soy teen fail


soyteen win because it shows how few of our members are redditors
soyteen fail because soyjaks are internet culture and deserve to be featured.
however I heard many people got their art deleted and the same would likely have had occurred to us
instead of seething over our defeats we should learn from them and hecking do better.


everyone made burners though

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