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/raid/ - Raid

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1648586424311.png (84.02 KB, 1206x735, ClipboardImage.png)


a few soyjaks posted and the cuck admin of voidchan turned his imageboard into a members only sekrit club, LOL


LOL that is honestly fucking sad dog


I can give you some names to bypass it


we cant stop winning
destroying altchans left and right


File: 1648589114231.gif (197.06 KB, 112x112, sneeedzz.gif)

ur gay discord drama crap made spamming it unfunny, niggers tongue my anus


File: 1648589312625.gif (653.93 KB, 536x600, soyjak dancing transparent.gif)

>ur gay discord drama crap made spamming it unfunny, niggers tongue my anus


They do




File: 1648591010703.png (18.28 KB, 354x500, 324 - fe35593b57f899fcedd8….png)



seems thier null board is unlocked


Hi voidchan were watching you


The admin reopened /null/ publicly lol. Go go


namefield was used so im not raiding it kill yourself


File: 1650612607261.png (117.57 KB, 718x957, 6928 - cracked_skin egg fr….png)


You wont anyway youre scared of the admin reporting your school




Lmao you lost


go back to your reddit spinoff incel


You sure showed him.


kill yourself JIDF kike


You sure showed him.


kill yourself mossad agent


File: 1650839709098.png (162.89 KB, 720x730, soyjak.png)

>kill yourself <thing>


Admin is asleep


"No one has bumped the raid thread in 9 days"


File: 1651878391965.png (553.31 KB, 1175x1080, 33c109ab143b92f7ec50dbe6d7….png)

Hello Catanon

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