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>White genocide rea-


Who made this


File: 1654219045030.jpg (136.45 KB, 1920x982, 165421876596.jpg)



>arabs as Whites
It's been long ago since I heard about this. And I agree.


how come america is "whites"


indians are white too but otherwise real


Well yes, but idk if pre-farmer popuations of South India (Veddoid) can be considered White. In worst case they are also mutts like Latinos or Polynesians.


Also some Arabs can also be considered mutts to lesser extent because of "basal Eurasian" ancestry which wasthe first population which split from other non-Africans.


I had idea that White population origined in the Middle East, Caucasus or Greater Iran in ~50 000 years ago and soon split into Europeans, Levantines, Caucasians and largely extinct North Eurasians (who were partly ancestors of American Indians, Europeans and Indoeuropean R1a is from them). I don't know about Veddoid Indians, but studies suggest they are closer to Whites than Asians or Aboriginals-Papuans.

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