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/qa/ - Question & Answer

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652206917695.png (115.46 KB, 707x594, 8AA61788-4931-49B6-9C34-AA….png)


Soot here just to confirm that studio masa ama is real


epic thank you sir soot


File: 1652207019669-0.jpeg (656.88 KB, 1492x1355, 70D9028B-EB61-43E5-B8AA-F….jpeg)

File: 1652207019669-1.jpeg (277.85 KB, 1456x1194, 5698A4B4-A497-43AC-B696-2….jpeg)

Hey soot, can you rate my ‘plierjak edits


File: 1652207106441.png (22.2 KB, 600x800, wholesome soot.png)

Also forgot to mention that my transition announcement was true.


redrawn+tranime coal
even the plierness doesn't save it


You’re not soot so your opinion is discarded


he is tho


File: 1652207963942.jpg (864.95 KB, 608x1070, 78584b68b9da059f866cd89e5f….jpg)


no red name therefore impostor


epic fail

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