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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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The fact that white monster is associated with Boomers even though the original joke was about old people trying to imitate young people (in this case by drinking a shitty energy drink) is proof of how easily manipulated the mainstream tards on the internet are. basically they all just accepted without any questions that boomers drink monster without thinking about the context


My dad literally only drinks sugar free monsters


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>The fact that white monster is associated with Boomers even though the original joke was about old people trying to imitate young people (in this case by drinking a shitty energy drink) is proof of how easily manipulated the mainstream tards on the internet are. basically they all just accepted without any questions that boomers drink monster without thinking about the context


you're literally posting an example of this, the original joke was about boomers trying to seem hip. Then the reversal happened, with the meme being about boomers fighting against millenials and zoomers, and people forgot about the original context.

Your dad being a cuck and a retard is irrelevant to the discussion


how is he trying to be hip?
is mowing the lawn at 10am hip?


>reading comprehension
The original joke was about calling people "30 year old boomers" and saying 30 year olds were out of touch dinosaurs


then what does that have to do with boomers trying to be hip?


you must be fun at parties


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>>The fact that white monster is associated with Boomers even though the original joke was about old people trying to imitate young people (in this case by drinking a shitty energy drink) is proof of how easily manipulated the mainstream tards on the internet are. basically they all just accepted without any questions that boomers drink monster without thinking about the context


fuck off back to knowyourmeme cianigger troon, you are trying to put sophist faggotry in my thread and argue circles around my theory because you're a fucking nigger glowie troon cuck mad that i pointed out the workarounds of the script of the satanitc communist cianigger gangster computer god fuck you niggertard cuck die


>sperging out over a question because he was wrong





File: 1653077433074.png (181.5 KB, 621x609, brandon chud.png)

Yeah this is gemmy


File: 1653077518809.png (520.66 KB, 2389x1715, 1651532788593-1.png)

>fuck off back to knowyourmeme cianigger troon, you are trying to put sophist faggotry in my thread and argue circles around my theory because you're a fucking nigger glowie troon cuck mad that i pointed out the workarounds of the script of the satanitc communist cianigger gangster computer god fuck you niggertard cuck die


File: 1653078060297.jpeg (179.81 KB, 1500x1500, FSrhQKlUcAERRNF.jpeg)

lol calm down OP


fuck yourself niggerloid pedophile troon cuck i hope cern blackhole timetravel into dimension whereupon you as a baby are falling intherside blender blades skinned alive fed to pitbull thereupon comunist niggergod reward his troonoyal subjectfied loyalts servants


File: 1653078239774.png (50.65 KB, 420x420, Png.png)

>fuck yourself niggerloid pedophile troon cuck i hope cern blackhole timetravel into dimension whereupon you as a baby are falling intherside blender blades skinned alive fed to pitbull thereupon comunist niggergod reward his troonoyal subjectfied loyalts servants



autismophal pedopcuck niggerfried niggervision autismograph raping dogs interrim dimension of entertainment howevercome i will crack your skull researchd south american jaguar eat sever internal decaptation via severing of nailcord spinalflection


Стефанія мамо, мамо Стефанія
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
Заспівай мені, мамо, колискову
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово
Вона мене колисала, дала мені ритм
І, напевне, силу волі не забрати в мене, бо дала вона
Напевне, знала, може, більше і від Соломона
Ломаними дорогами прийду я завжди до тебе
Вона не розбудить, не будить, мене в сильні бурі
Забере в бабулі дві дулі, ніби вони кулі
Дуже добре знала мене, не була обманута
Як була дуже втомлена, гойдала мене в такт
Люлі, люлі, люлі, гой!
Стефанія мамо, мамо Стефанія
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
Заспівай мені, мамо, колискову
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово
Я не в пеленах, но ма, но ма, хватить
Як би я не виріс, на виріст за речі платить
Я не мала дитина, вона далі нерви тратить
Я гуляв, шляк би тебе трафив!
Ти все молода, о мамо, на піку
Якщо не ціню опіку на піку слави, мені в тупіку
Забивайте піку, цю піку, я би попік, спік, своєю любов'ю
Люлі, люлі, люлі, гой!
Стефанія мамо, мамо Стефанія
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
Заспівай мені, мамо, колискову
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово
Стефанія мамо, мамо Стефанія
Розквітає поле, а вона сивіє
Заспівай мені, мамо, колискову
Хочу ще почути твоє рідне слово


File: 1653078402757.gif (802.35 KB, 479x498, bandu-fnf.gif)

>autismophal pedopcuck niggerfried niggervision autismograph raping dogs interrim dimension of entertainment howevercome i will crack your skull researchd south american jaguar eat sever internal decaptation via severing of nailcord spinalflection


File: 1653078547545.jpg (235.02 KB, 1280x1429, jack___john_doe2_by_lookin….jpg)


sharti nside your own mouth fuckeself autismophal cuckofile rapist of niggerbaby cianigger drone rape skinned dead dog baby to deaht you will be punished via severmost spergoloid gorilla nigger brainwave attack of revengeful martian anger cianigger cartel of nigger tranny computer ai controling like puppets the niggerfried garbage eating tranniggerbrain of computerized sociality


File: 1653078738701.gif (2.48 MB, 280x498, bandu-bandu-fnf.gif)

>sharti nside your own mouth fuckeself autismophal cuckofile rapist of niggerbaby cianigger drone rape skinned dead dog baby to deaht you will be punished via severmost spergoloid gorilla nigger brainwave attack of revengeful martian anger cianigger cartel of nigger tranny computer ai controling like puppets the niggerfried garbage eating tranniggerbrain of computerized sociality


File: 1653078861355.png (26.19 KB, 607x657, deebko8-5d89e59a-f187-4e2e….png)


>sharti nside your own mouth fuckeself autismophal cuckofile rapist of niggerbaby cianigger drone rape skinned dead dog baby to deaht you will be punished via severmost spergoloid gorilla nigger brainwave attack of revengeful martian anger cianigger cartel of nigger tranny computer ai controling like puppets the niggerfried garbage eating tranniggerbrain of computerized sociality


niggercuck cianigger bots gorillaniggerfried garbage boiling egg brain autismophile radiowave controlling via cianigger radio computer brain control laser van


File: 1653079056082.jpeg (11.23 KB, 280x350, R - 2022-05-20T163514.672.jpeg)


niggerbot automaton controlled by cianigger pedomonkey autismoth predence of autismophal rapegore niggerbaby cianigger tranny dreameth of utmost evil intentional rapeagery


File: 1653079141449.png (10.61 KB, 250x326, ClipboardImage.png)

>niggercuck cianigger bots gorillaniggerfried garbage boiling egg brain autismophile radiowave controlling via cianigger radio computer brain control laser van


File: 1653079175926.jpg (114.24 KB, 1280x847, polly_meets_kittydog_by_po….jpg)

>niggerbot automaton controlled by cianigger pedomonkey autismoth predence of autismophal rapegore niggerbaby cianigger tranny dreameth of utmost evil intentional rapeagery


File: 1653079315583-0.png (112.85 KB, 377x214, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1653079315583-1.png (142.63 KB, 377x218, ClipboardImage.png)

/qa/ experience


run now from hereafther i acquiesce beforemosth angeroid martian ragepower utmost destruction of total desintegration of every atom utmost south american jaguar internal decaptation punch hereupon i see cianigger brainfried tranny computer robot hereupon in angermost frustrated at understanded of saturnic demonputer pedomonkey niggerphilery ruinationo of jewish balaclava robot in twine south american jaguar strenght of decimation of niggerfried trannigger ciacuck pedobot


File: 1653079424885.jfif (25.27 KB, 640x640, 640x640.jfif)

>run now from hereafther i acquiesce beforemosth angeroid martian ragepower utmost destruction of total desintegration of every atom utmost south american jaguar internal decaptation punch hereupon i see cianigger brainfried tranny computer robot hereupon in angermost frustrated at understanded of saturnic demonputer pedomonkey niggerphilery ruinationo of jewish balaclava robot in twine south american jaguar strenght of decimation of niggerfried trannigger ciacuck pedobot


File: 1653079468312.jpeg (96.95 KB, 1280x720, R - 2022-05-20T164420.832.jpeg)


The thread that saved the sharty


Coca-cola employee here, yes I created the sproke meme, thanks for eating it up you gullible retards lol






brandon gem


The meme was always forced coal being pushed by actual Monster shills. The intent was for the average 4chan user to empathize with the "boomer" character to capitalize off the growing "I'm feeling old and out of touch with the zoomers" sentiment millennials were starting to feel.


the meme was always about millennials feeling old and calling themselves boomers since they associate the boomer term with old people.

also see >>25353
generational identity was largely invented in the 20th century by marketers. tell people that they have a certain identity, tell them that consuming certain products is a way of expressing that identity, sales go up.
before that, generations (just like time in general) were seen as more cyclical. differences were made between people in different age ranges, but there was also a wide belief that people's lives were the same regardless of which "generation" they belonged to


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Nice selfie

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