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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1653548015105.png (117.89 KB, 1194x720, transpipo.png)


What some things you appreciate about trans people?

Say something about trans community


a trans guy on discord made me order a skirt and wanted me to send pics of myself wearing it when I was 15


sometimes when they hang themselves they make funny noises


it's a problem that fixes itself


lmao wtf


i think in the future, the trans movement will be viewed similarly to barbaric practices like blood letting and witch burning - and this singular fact fills me with glee. i hope our time is recognized in future history books as being stupid and backwards


This is the real face of nearly all of the queers
Sometimes trans people kill trans people and I appreciate that


File: 1653864678175.gif (215.85 KB, 255x255, 31F50E31-E4CF-4DB0-ADA1-FA….gif)


It will be seen as a part of the beginning of the end, just like Sodom, Gomorrah, Babylon, Rome, Berlin, and many others


Is there a reason you didn't attach the pics to your post?

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