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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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ero guro thread
84 posts and 75 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I approve of this alliance.

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Any narutards on the 'sharty?
13 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


HH brother


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>>naruto good


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Where are my Obitochads at?


Obito was the coolest.


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I know right

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K-On! is placed in alternative reality where austrian painter win the war and eradicated all shitppl.
All characters are femboys, they don't need to fight shitskins and (((tribe))) so they can embrace their aryan beauty and mind without masculine toxicity
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All of them serve BBC though


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>All of them serve BBC though


There's plenty of blacks and arabs in the movie retard

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>A tottal lack of respect

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>What the heck is going on here


Obito was the coolest though

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only N-generation LARPing american descendants give a shit


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>only N-generation LARPing american descendants give a shit


Gonna try posting t on /a/


not really, a lot of real italians get triggered by that

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So why did they made an alcoholic gambling addict scared of blood the Hokage again?


boosts morale


She was actually a good post war hokage after Hiruzens death


milf thighs and ass

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¿Y'all watching anything this season?
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


i will be watching troons rope themselves





There are no trans people here chud


youre right mate, trannies arent people theyre subhuman

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I once burned my K-on book couse I didn't want it anymore and I culdnt sell it couse I drew moustaches n the girls. And my mom walked in and got angry couse she thought I'm trying to start a fire. Pic unrelated.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Got more re3plies on /a/ even tho janny deletd it after I soyqouted someone telling me to kill myself


coon book also you are literal y the hitler


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I wasnt iroic tho


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I love Kaworu


Why do niggers love K-On?

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me (a gangster) when someone say he will never be a gem


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>me (a gangster)
reported to the 'lice


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thats not an egg


cracked his head open and white fluid spilled out therefore egg


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Post yfw when an anime SUBVERTS your expectations


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