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/a/ - Anime

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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chainsawman is popular now so it's soy and I don't like it anymore but now 4cuck /a/ hates it for that reason as well so i like it again
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


>'ving 'nions


It's spelled "Schwab" nonethoughless


Why does /a/ hate it?


there is a troon in it


that's fire punch, tard.

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new anime gem



oldtroon 'cadogem


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Steal it

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mi esposa



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Is azumanga soy or based?
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Their designs wouldn't have been as notable or iconic if they were boys.


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Hovewer bump


True tho, got to admit that as a r63 fan.


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it's keyed

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post your best soy mouths
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live long and prosper


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We already have one you dumb fucking retard


This and its an old /a/sharty culture

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Translator adds trigger warning about gay people before a cute yuri manga.

Right-wing trigger exist now and btfo dykes



s4s gem


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I think the manga is a role-reversal thing where heterosexuality becomes the oppressed sexuality. Like planet of apes where animals ruled over humans.

Faggots are spamming this hard and celebrating it as diversity





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Why do yurishits keep crossboarding so hard when given their own board? There are often many posts that talk about 'trolling' /a/ and getting reactions. They talk about how they push yuri in /a/ and make bait threads.

They are everywhere on /a/ nowadays. Most of the time they push liberal progressive values in anime and faggotry. Its ruining anime culture.

Why do they do this instead of staying on their own board?


i dont know why you are mad that people are posting about a gay character in anime on the board dedicated to discussion about anime

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I only care for eris. Other characters in this show might aswell not even exist desu. The only reason I watch this show is because of Eris. The only reason I care about this show is Eris. I can't even remember the other character's personalities properly. Just Eris. When Eris comes onto the screen, that is when the show is on, and every other time is just an ad break.


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She likes sweets


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I will check it out now, thank you

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Is the author of redo of the healer a nazi?


he's right


why is he a furry

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