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/a/ - Anime

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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This is south park fan art


this is nas coal

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>futa on male bad even though its hot
9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>even though bad even though its funny


At least post some new pics op they arent even having sex


So like most 'sharty teens then




are you soot? because you should kill yourself

File: 1644275231799.jpg (107.63 KB, 640x853, 40wgml69wfw51.jpg)




fucking hang yourself animefaggot
you will fucking die
I fucking hate you
loser kys die in a fucking fire you fucking sad cunt I hope you get cancer

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agni website


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>agni website

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>/a/ - Tranime


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>>/a/ - Tranime


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Holy based

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new anime gem


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Would you like dinner first, or perhaps a bath? Or maybe...?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


I don't know but I'm blushing while reading it


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Kill yourself Frog Tranny


this lil nigga Spoots frrrrr


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>this lil nigga Spoots frrrrr


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Bruh, this nigga...

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im leaveing party for good
you guys are bunch of retarded tranny incels bye


see you tomorrow


Nuke kyo-ani


nas coal kys


and what does tranime have to do with that?


nas tranime

File: 1644084123251.jpg (62.91 KB, 600x822, wHyhZoR.jpg)


this has never been debunked
18 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Gay men typically have between 10 and 20 sexual partners in their life, using the data from the only credible source; representative sample studies with robust surveying techniques. Statistics can identify truths if they are sampled well and minimize selection bias. For example, all of the studies here are randomly sampled across thousands of people across a country, and weighted so that they include respondents from each city according to it's population and according to age of the population. This prevents any distortions which would underreport or overreport promiscuity. Across all three studies, about 1/3 had between 0 and 9 sexual partners. Approximately 30-40% had between 10 and 49 sexual partners, however most of those men were clustered in the 10-25 range. Between 1/5th and 1/3rd had more than 50 sexual partners, however the upper figure was an Australian study which included acts such as 'kissing' or 'cuddling', which will push more men into that bracket.
So yes, gay men do have overall more sexual partners then straight men in a lifetime.
>Medical professionals explain that higher rates of sexually transmitted infections are mostly due to the ease of transmission through anal sex, and number of sexual partners as the secondary factor. Anal sex transmits HIV at a rate 18 to 30 times higher than oral sex,[citation needed] thus it is much easier transmitted among gay men who engage in anal sex. A 2007 study explains that the majority of gay men had similar numbers of unprotected sexual partners annually as straight men and women, and that anal sex, not promiscuity, was the main contributing factor in rates of HIV transmission.[12] The study states that heterosexuals would need to have three times as many sexual partners as gay men in order to have an HIV epidemic. This is not to say that gay men on average, do not have more sexual partners, but rather it is not the main contributing factor. No doubt highly promiscuous men are much more susceptible for HIV transmission, but the bulk of transmission occurs due to pure biology.
>anal sex gives you aids
Yes this is also true,


What study? You just posting screnshots without any source retard.


>So yes, gay men do have overall more sexual partners then straight men in a lifetime.
Not the same as


It's from your faggot link you faggot libtard googler copy pasting links you haven't read retard nigger


Uh... yes? What you're seeing from your rationalwiki article is
>haha look at this absurd drawn out claim that anyone could debunk with one google search lets debunk it to show how smart and rational we are
That's what's called a "low-hanging fruit". Same as how they go after schizo theories that would generally have no attention given to them due to being insane/easily disprovable.
Also it literally says in this article
> anal sex, not promiscuity, was the main contributing factor in rates of HIV transmission.[12]

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