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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1643284266409.jpg (266.78 KB, 730x960, soyjak tagme tranime trans….jpg)


>I want to FUCK Rumia: I can't help it


File: 1643422996440.png (62.51 KB, 721x789, 4531 - anime clothes glass….png)


I say this but I'm not a troon.



File: 1652044156445.png (697.85 KB, 704x811, dsasdsad.PNG)


Kek, based Chiyo.
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



Discord falseflag


The image you retard


yeah idk who that is *shrugs*


Chiyo did NOT say this

File: 1652209354337-0.jfif (56.89 KB, 474x842, OIP (1).jfif)

File: 1652209354337-1.jfif (23.86 KB, 474x588, OIP.jfif)


Who would win?




oh no no no gokekbros, is this true? BejitaCHADS won.


i'm uh... a little embarrassed to say this... but uhmmm... i.. i don't know who that drop dead gorgeous vixen in the second image is.


File: 1652203330584-0.gif (1.71 MB, 500x281, 1652201859683.gif)

File: 1652203330584-1.png (372.85 KB, 2884x2430, 1478179982458.png)




I love cuckold & yuri. Am I an ultimate cuckold??


Put lolicucks on there to


Lolichads are chads



>fag pedophile troon

File: 1652201859683.jpg (184.04 KB, 650x800, Lambdabern 5.jpg)


Y/u/ri bread
The purest form of love.
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


>troon telling someone to take meds


File: 1652204741230.jpg (471.32 KB, 2536x1356, 1643221607616.jpg)


>i-i-i'm not a troon I just like watching cartoons about girls with no male characters and fantasizing about being one of the girls


Not her but it's hot


All media consumption is cuckoldry then.

File: 1652201174779.png (557.17 KB, 1189x1988, yurimale.png)


Why does this happen to every single yuri male?

Is there a way to stop this phenomena?


they started watching yuri because they were already a fucked up freak

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Is it true that writer of yuri manga bloom into you is making a new manga which is straight and shota?

Or is it fake news?


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yurisisters live rent free in your mind




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tranime would be called chadime if animecucks had rallied against yuritroons years ago

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>rape dyke
>rapist genes + want to have sex with women genes combine to form a gigachad child
jewbros, it's over. eugenics won.


File: 1652192667391.png (217.9 KB, 1178x1048, lesbians.png)


Shes right

File: 1652112495206.png (613.9 KB, 904x1226, kek.png)


yuritroons crying again. This time had a meltdown over fanart.
>no-noo u cant draw that sh-shes a lesbian

What makes them like this? haremchuds or mechachuds or any other genre fans dont behave like maniacs like this


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If you make anti-yuri lesbian correction works... yurifans will rate it 1 star

Are chuds scared?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Why did you make like 5 yuri related threads


We need to fight the infestation online


yuricucks are the jews of the tranime world


Yurichads stay bullying



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