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/a/ - Anime

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1637653855517.gif (1.97 MB, 500x373, ....gif)


This board was much better when it was just 3 anond and me larping as 3 more different anons.
29 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Everybody is laughing at you, and thinks you're a retard


File: 1642804363584.png (513.8 KB, 886x1080, 601782941.png)

>Everybody is laughing at you, and thinks you're a retard


Shes right


File: 1642804794768.png (102.29 KB, 320x320, 70813925.png)

>Shes right


Bumping for very important meta discusion

File: 1644939739137.jpg (120.33 KB, 1200x630, de0d2e97102a377ecfa10e4753….jpg)


New irl Sasuke VS Naruto arc in UFC
Convington is Sasuke couse he's an asshole and he left the gym, like Sasuke left Konoha.

File: 1642773443970.jpg (38.67 KB, 640x723, 1611234425977.jpg)


>n-no, senpai, don't put it in there! this is where poo comes from!


File: 1644939371230.png (287.75 KB, 567x319, anime crying open mouth so….png)

File: 1642457525748.jpg (9.61 KB, 256x192, R (72).jpg)


Good night evamaniacs


jak this


bumping this

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File: 1644087995167.png (223.96 KB, 676x584, kawaiiii soyjak 2.png)



Bumping this gem

File: 1643154015360.webm (4.61 MB, 320x240, Itachi a super star! .webm)


1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




File: 1644936885253.mp4 (9.06 MB, 480x360, funny naruto video-nQc0iUC….mp4)

However based 2000s gem, zoomers wish the could be this much sould with their shitty tik toks.



how is sasuke pronounced?


Still don't get why weebs are so fucking angry about this? Its an western style OP, and it fits Naruto, obsly its not as good as the original? But what do they think they should just live in the Jap OP and make all the kids watching it confused? Shounenfags don't understand that most of the shows their watch are for kids.

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File: 1644935922500.png (712.81 KB, 779x1026, dez5no7-1afbcde2-3587-4315….png)

DBZ goes up


File: 1644936139233.jpg (302.5 KB, 1440x1441, TARDku gets rejected.jpg)

lmao /tardkupissbabies/

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virgin inspection




File: 1644919219714.webm (15.68 MB, 1920x1080, (soot kananga normal).webm)

>virgin inspection


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>Wow, is that it? I knew I shouldn't have expected much from a twp but damn, that's a pitiful sight, well, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go, Tyrone has been calling me and I don't wanna keep him waiting.


Why are you trying to force this james bond coal?

File: 1644804082933.jpg (46.71 KB, 444x794, fqswiuvmwqg31.jpg)


Is pic related for normalchuds?


No shit, it's the best selling japanese movie of all time


your mom is for normalchud.


I think so couse its aperantly insanely popular and I never see internet places for losers (imageboards) talk about it.


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File: 1644533682792.jpg (294.46 KB, 800x600, Dekomori Sanae.jpg)


new 'os
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1644610668734.webm (3.73 MB, 540x540, fligugigagem.webm)


built 4 bbc


File: 1644835342171.jfif (5.5 KB, 204x247, images.jfif)

Thread Review:
Fat Basement Dwelling Internet Forum Dwelling Cunt Who Watches Flaccid Penis Bay Movies
₁/₂ ✩


Based Uwe, pleas make another rampage movie, I hate America.


new 'oal

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