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/a/ - Anime

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Why do yuri sickos hate men?


Because they're lesbians who got molested same as always


yurincels are mentally ill


Lesbians aren't real.


Do you have a peer reviewed study to back up that claim chud?


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yes right here ill present it in collaboration with the next cute dyke i see

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Where do you fall on the ol' 'urve
24 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I hate anime but I watch it anyway


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>>Tomino hates anime
>You are a fucking nigger. You are a stupid nigger. You know nothing. You are retarded. You think Tomino and Anno and all these other directors and creatives "hate anime" and resent anime and their works are about how "otakus bad" when they are all based old man perverts.
>You are a fucking nigger. Nigger. You are a fucking nigger. Nigger. You are a fucking nigger. Nigger. You are a fucking nigger. Nigger. You are a fucking nigger. Nigger. You are a fucking nigger. Nigger.


'ate anime
simple as.


/pol/ meme


/leftypol/ meme

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I want to make a techno song where I sing "Ruki-san" over and over to the rhythm of I'm A Gummy Bear by Gummibär in a really annoying and cutesey voice but i haven't gotten autistic enough to do it yet.

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Do japanese chuds hate this anime too?


I have no idea what the person is saying

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Stuning and brave
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>These comics feel like they're making fun out of me.


kuz glowup


could transitioning have saved her?


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this was an adventure op, thanks :)

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Bad year for yuri


I wonder if there are any reactions on /u/. They went crazy on redo and it was funny

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fat goatlets

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>ironic weebs bad even tho I can just not interact with them and still enjoy whatever I like


no one, NO ONE, says this


holy this

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hilarious funny gif


Tranime girls caused Pearl Harbor?


nas coal


nas board

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Anime is used by fags, trannies, groomers, pedophiles, shills, satanists, feds and the deep state cabal to brainwash people into pedophilia and other degeneracy. This is not an anime website. They keep repeating that phrase to fool you into accepting their degeneracy. You will see them post real information, facts, truths, disclosure statements, and more, while simultaneously posting an anime image and mass replying to themselves through the use of VPN's, to lull you into believing someone who likes anime is a voice of reason, an authority figure. They use anime as their profile pictures on channels and comments such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Discord, discussion forums, and other social media such as alternative news, and use bot systems to mass upvote and like their content. You can browse any board and very quickly you will find images of anime pornography and degeneracy. We must crush anime posters at every avenue, whenever they show up, where ever they post. Repost this on all anime images you find.


meds now

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