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/a/ - Anime

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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/ss/ is thinking man's fetish
10 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You will never be a man you disgusting fujo


cute boys are cute


>gyarus white even though their blonde hair is dyed


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straight shota is L*TERALLY gayer than gay shota. Prove me wrong. Protip: sneed


i was shocked to see someone make the same post as me 4 months ago until i realized it was me heh

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nas or coal?


nas coal tranny dust


ias gem cis diamond


samefag faggot kill yourself


She do be built doe


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It's pretty funny and wholesome

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Comedic reveal vilain in a filler episode.


he looks like the kind of man that makes up a useless mathematical constant unusable in praxis and names it after himself

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How is her shitty quirk going to help against Dabi?
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Oh rly? Aweser his question then.


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MOE is simply a fan service character, and her quirk is low/mid tier, so yeah, she ain't going to be much help at all.


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I lost...

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What exactly is Levi's character?
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Isayama's fanservice character


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Wait nevermind you just copypasted a /snk/ thread, KYS OP I THOUGHT YOU WERE SERIOUS


jewish name


Being a seme in ErenXlevi doujins.


Wat was it lol?

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>ben ten is not an anim-ACK


Ben 10 is 'nime couse they got big eyes


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