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/a/ - Anime

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File: 1649547769625.jpg (225.2 KB, 1920x1080, 3xeP2Se.jpg)


K-On! is placed in alternative reality where austrian painter win the war and eradicated all shitppl.
All characters are femboys, they don't need to fight shitskins and (((tribe))) so they can embrace their aryan beauty and mind without masculine toxicity


anyone with a K-On profile picture is a registered sex offender and is not allowed within 500 feet of a school building


File: 1649548225340.jpg (13.99 KB, 113x103, k-on bean mouth.jpg)

bean mouth


File: 1649548240920.gif (521.3 KB, 200x200, 3dgifmaker47723.gif)

>K-On! is placed in alternative reality where austrian painter win the war and eradicated all shitppl.
All characters are femboys, they don't need to fight shitskins and (((tribe))) so they can embrace their aryan beauty and mind without masculine toxicity



File: 1649548378343.gif (162.26 KB, 200x200, 3dgifmaker58967.gif)



All of them serve BBC though


File: 1649554970012.png (48.69 KB, 800x750, Soy103.png)

>All of them serve BBC though


There's plenty of blacks and arabs in the movie retard

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