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/a/ - Anime

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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What did you to her?


i hate hangul it looks llike nIGGER

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Ken-sama ... I kneel!


he must be tiny if the height difference between him and a japanese woman is this small

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Attraction to "lolis" while alike pedophilia, isn't pedophilia- not semantically, not physically, not otherwise.

"Lolicon" as we know it means sexual attraction to anime children... which aren't real children. The clinical definition for pedophilia, however, is defined as the persistent attraction to children, usually under 13. Anime "lolis" draw from real children but aren't, so you can't clump them together. The definition of pedophile doesn't secretly include lolis or include things like children, it only encompasses children REAL children. So as for the definition not matching- that's objective.
As for lolicon and pedophilia being equate-able and in the same sphere, consider this:
Oh, and to boot, anime girls are stylized and are thus hyper-attractive and have a physical allure elevated over their real counterparts. I'm being generous here as sexual allure isn't relegated to a physical appearance and "lolis" often have crafted non-physical allure that real children do not. Let's say you have a photo of an 11-year-old in a provocative pose, converting her by way of "anime-ification" increases her neotony, removes all flaws, elevates her face to a 10/10, gives her a perfectly symmetrical face, and greatly increases her sexual appeal. If the definition and consensus were changed to encompass anime "lolis" the bar would almost certainly be lowered from 13.
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lol I look like this no cap


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>Attraction to "lolis" while alike pedophilia, isn't pedophilia


While the definition is true, it doesn't matter wether it's a "real" child, or an "anime" child, it's still a child which makes a you a pedo. Pedo.


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nice dubs

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Why is tranime like this? Do Japs actually watch this crap?
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>He's never heard of Mishima


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>Yukio Mishima


go watch cnn then faggot


nice dubs


No. Most Japanese think anime is lowbrow like in the west.

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is this true






What da fuck is a yurifag


a fag who likes yuri

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soot replace /a/ with /co/


Soot replace /a/ with /coal/


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What a waste of a brilliant concept


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disease experts=evil

nazi disinformation anime


That's called overreaching… there's nothing special about it.

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Oh my science he is so kawaii


Oh my science he is so sugoi!


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soyjak if he anime


I hate how I can recognize the smile.

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lol /a/tards say that


Korean culture is 100% copy paste from Japan why does it matter


Manhwa looks like anime therefore it anime


Manhua > Manga > Manhwa


This. Chinese food is Chinese food even if prepared by a Vietnamese.

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