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/a/ - Anime

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Ame thread




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>Ame thread


oh my Fauci she is so attractive


Ame bust a nut on ur face lmao

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New watamote rip of?


No it's the latest watamote chapter


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Why did they make it look like that? Also did it stop being shit?


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What would a soyjak anime be like
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>sneedfag thinks he can decide what coal is
Go back.


> black to white conversion


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>What would a soyjak anime be like



not even anime either

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What are some anime for those on the spectrum?
>Inb4 all of them


Everything chris chan likes. So
Excel saga
Pretty cure


Anything made in the 90s/2000s

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Razorblade kiss - HIM, although someone probably changed the pitch in that video.

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mods = gods
fuck tranime

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DBZ Website

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Hecatia Lapislazuli in the 'log


>Moved to >>>/a/13270 even tho not anime

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God dammit /a/. You've completely fucked my life. My fucking family hates me now and my brother-in-law punched me in the face and broke my glasses and it's all because of you.

I was at a family get together at my mom's house and my sister and her husband came in from the west coast and I hadn't seen her in 5 years when their daughter was 2 years old.

So I was playing with my niece and she was the most adorable, playful little girl you'd ever met and my sister and her husband asked what I thought of her and I said "she's an adorable little loli that's for sure".

Next thing I know I'm punched in the face and my uncle and my step father are pulling my brother-in-law off me and he's fucking yelling "I'll kill you, you fucking pedophile faggot". My mom's screaming and asking what's wrong and my brother-in-law yells "this little faggot just called my daughter a loli." And my mother asked "what's a loli" and he said "it's a code word pedophiles use on the internet for little girls. This faggot's a pedophile." Then all fucking hell breaks loose and nobody will fucking listen to me and then my step father says "It would probably be a good idea for you to leave now before you get your ass kicked".

WTF! It was a fucking slip of the tongue. I'm not even a pedofag. I fucking moralfag all the CP threads by reporting them. I don't even like loli hentai. The only porn that really gets me off are traps. But because of one stupid fucking slip of the tongue from hanging out on /a/ my family fucking hates me now.


copypasta COAL


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I lol'd


Copypasta GEM


Post on real /a/ even though they constantly larp as oldfags its actually full of pppl who wont get it.


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Blacked is anime.


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kys muttrrocan


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