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/a/ - Anime

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652059242976.png (413.18 KB, 892x1216, desu desu desu desu.png)


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Which is the soy part. The first part about not liking gayness, or the liking Hina part.


File: 1652394192438.jpg (7.58 KB, 228x221, images.jpg)

>Which is the soy part. The first part about not liking gayness, or the liking Hina part.


File: 1652394722288.jpg (109.24 KB, 853x1000, 1651082180473.jpg)

I like posting Hina and hate gayness. And there is nothing you can do about it. Go whine in your discord about anime girls reminding you every time you look in the mirror that you will never be a real woman. Liking girls is the opposite of gay. But you wouldn't understand straightness like that.


>Liking girls that look masculine is not gay, trust me bro


I don't like masculine girls. Except tomboys with big tits.

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satania website

File: 1645576704904.png (1.63 MB, 2304x3072, 95542793(39581949)_ほえー.png)


I want to lick her tummy so bad
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File: 1649690582020.jpg (126.8 KB, 650x1236, Soy83.jpg)

>Built for BBC



File: 1649815833644.gif (679.72 KB, 308x200, 200.gif)

>Built for BBC


Coal poster


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What the fuck are you dong retard? Sto spaming.


File: 1644367038857.png (147.08 KB, 757x912, Delinquent soyjak.png)

>OI OI OI YAMERO, what do you think you're doing spamming in my board?


thoughover literally me


do you have that haircut

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worst anime youtuer I know and an actuall tranny loves this show and argues its a masterpiece. Moeshit rots your brain.


File: 1644947074636.jpg (555.39 KB, 620x877, Kurosawa.Dia.full.2065752.jpg)

I like love live sunshine though


kys wojakspamming twitter inmigrant


File: 1652389974349.webm (867.85 KB, 640x360, __yazawa_nico_love_live_a….webm)

File: 1634044518427.png (289.36 KB, 1280x800, cute_little_loli.png)


tr/a/nime this is your mindset
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File: 1637002955197.png (213.53 KB, 1800x1200, 1636741037513.png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I lol'd


File: 1637032744541.png (502.06 KB, 894x894, 1813 - 2soyjaks angry bloo….png)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I lol'd


Bumping this gemmy


Literally me lol


brother in law is a closet pedo

File: 1646225016476.jpg (117.48 KB, 1456x1083, Toobie.jpg)


Will (You) watch her upcoming /a/nime?


no but i will coom to the fanart

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cringe fucking break my neck nigger


new toss


File: 1649145773276.jpeg (155.73 KB, 1131x1263, C18F8A1F-8B8D-4F35-A64C-6….jpeg)

I want to rape her


wojak gem

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How would I go about playing the old Higurashi visual novels on pc
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why are you still alive why havent you hanged yourself yet why dont you go blow your face off with a shotgun that killed a doe?????


rude coal


die you fucking demented niggermonkey fucking retarded braindead faggot tranny die


Who let the incel out?



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Chudcel if he female


that is literally me but I'm male

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