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/a/ - Anime

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File: 1652201859683.jpg (184.04 KB, 650x800, Lambdabern 5.jpg)


Y/u/ri bread
The purest form of love.


stop spamming


yuri keeps getting btfo in japan. anti-yuri chud works sell way more


File: 1652202480091.jpg (1.76 MB, 2384x3472, Satou.jpg)

Why do you hate it?


kill yourself tranny


name one


/u/ is invading anime and is destroying every other genre. yuritroons are the most annoying group of weebs. While other genres live together in peace, yuriniggers call everything problematic, sexist, and bring yuri into everything.



>troon telling someone to take meds


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>i-i-i'm not a troon I just like watching cartoons about girls with no male characters and fantasizing about being one of the girls


Not her but it's hot


All media consumption is cuckoldry then.

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