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/a/ - Anime

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How would I go about playing the old Higurashi visual novels on pc


Pedophile faggot


Install gentoo


search it up on youtube, there are no choices so it's not really playing anyway


File: 1649591626396.jpg (Spoiler Image, 138.34 KB, 850x975, fc60dac516861d13d1678f7013….jpg)

also i don't know why does everyone want to fuck rena


File: 1649591655938.jpg (Spoiler Image, 114.46 KB, 850x562, 5b366d9d277e0aac7f334e0002….jpg)

when you have THIS


File: 1649593352082.png (374.7 KB, 1080x942, 2fa.png)

>Hof foult I ho abut pleyin te ol' higufagg visual novel on pisi


File: 1649609723832.jpg (143.48 KB, 1920x1080, Rika smile 36.jpg)

Steam version then slap in the 07th mod.



Why do you go on /a/ just to sage threads, doe


why are you still alive why havent you hanged yourself yet why dont you go blow your face off with a shotgun that killed a doe?????


rude coal


die you fucking demented niggermonkey fucking retarded braindead faggot tranny die


Who let the incel out?



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