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/soy/ - Soyjak

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1655233557362.png (24.6 KB, 194x132, 1655084241431~2.png)


>captcha removed
>chuddies and troons start 'log dueling again
Y'all niggas can't behave






its a samefag

File: 1655233348558.png (98.39 KB, 480x640, 12952 - box cardboard glas….png)


That "gender euphoria" you momentarily feel while dressing like a woman is called being horny you mentally ill freak


did not read this blogpost


It's different though it can happen at the same time. Of course you can get a chub if you think you look attractive.


this, so much this

File: 1655233281050.gif (1.54 MB, 722x689, 1654934086749.gif)


>only coal troonthread because you said kek KYS ESL chanoid


how does that make me a chink

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>Wtf is the re-ACK!

File: 1655233304951.gif (1.36 MB, 438x279, 1650944568143.gif)


Bitch made

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File: 1655233246079.jpg (548.8 KB, 986x1128, hahahaha DEAD NIGGER.jpg)


>>Is [X] based or cringe, /pol/?

File: 1655232600114.gif (57.49 KB, 255x230, 1647472223121.gif)


>Transwomen of Reddit, my boyfriend won't perform cunnilingus on me anymore since I've had my bottom surgery=
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1655232721068.png (174.75 KB, 2012x708, Screen Shot 2022-06-14 at ….png)

nobody said this


why are you going on reddit looking for random troonposts and posting them here
who cares


why aren't you going on 4chan listening for specific straightposts and bannong them there
everyone cares


File: 1655233099771.png (106.68 KB, 676x1021, 2600 - arm flag glasses ha….png)

I care


i do too kill all trannies

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Can somechud reword this and maybe update to reflect the current circumstances (tor being banned, captcha etc)




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>We have to document our literally who incel site


File: 1655233077173.png (627.11 KB, 730x960, ClipboardImage.png)

>>We have to document our literally who incel site

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