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/soy/ - Soyjak

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1655172089455.mp4 (17.03 MB, 1080x1840, 1647091712630.mp4)


What song, does anyone know? Thanks.


File: 1655172170307.png (64.94 KB, 241x251, 1654443183677 (1)~4.png)

>What song, does anyone know? Thanks.


File: 1655172376181.png (470.37 KB, 800x450, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you sir

File: 1655171685835.png (26.28 KB, 500x500, toss.png)


new Twitter toss


delete r/196




me when a new 'lack 'ed 'uard drops

File: 1655147864880.png (3.02 KB, 345x75, GEM GEM GEM.png)


holy ias
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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captcha win thread


If there is 10 numbers and 26 letters there is 1/36^3 = 1/46656 probability that your favorite sequence will be displayed.

If you repeat clicking on a captcha long enough you will find one of your favorite sequences. If there are n funny 3-word numbers chances that you will roll one of them is:
1-(1-1/46656)^n. So if there are 40 funny sequences (remember soy can be written as s0y, 5oy, 50y) then after 2000 captcha generations chances that you'll roll something is ~88%.


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>If there is 10 numbers and 26 letters there is 1/36^3 = 1/46656 probability that your favorite sequence will be displayed.
>If you repeat clicking on a captcha long enough you will find one of your favorite sequences. If there are n funny 3-word numbers chances that you will roll one of them is:
>1-(1-1/46656)^n. So if there are 40 funny sequences (remember soy can be written as s0y, 5oy, 50y) then after 2000 captcha generations chances that you'll roll something is ~88%.


I got another 'dea. You can estimate how many of all 3-letter-number sequences have some meaning for you. I rolled cmp (cpp function), joz, ku7 and 5 more sequences in ~50 rolls.


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Nigger weed get

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i like restraining people and punching them until they shit themselves and then gaslighting them into wearing diapers

File: 1655171702608.gif (710.13 KB, 811x1200, 1635015972629.gif)


>level 2 KOLLYBOLLYWOLLY · 4 hr. ago
>I just want to make sure I understand your comment:-

>You just saw a guy using homophobic slurs and threatening to kill gay people and your sympathies lie with unhinged bigot?

>27 Reply Give Award Share Report Save Follow

>1 more reply

File: 1655170962881.png (16.91 KB, 598x800, 5.png)


>This is Goth from cyprus,we are going to spam your website with childporn if you dont join our discord servers. im getting everyone to raid you, there will be a lot of lolya and child porn on ur website if you do not comply with us.


does she look like that


File: 1655171209221.png (22.74 KB, 610x654, ClipboardImage.png)

>>This is Goth from cyprus,we are going to spam your website with childporn if you dont join our discord servers. im getting everyone to raid you, there will be a lot of lolya and child porn on ur website if you do not comply with us.


You lost.


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>(s)he's back


is her hair blue or purple? make up your fucking mind faggot



File: 1655170732839.png (346.04 KB, 598x799, 7A9036A0-8D6C-4FCD-A702-55….png)


>uhm no, blue fire is NOT blue because it’s hotter than orange fire.
>so why is it blue? uhhhhh... uhmmm......


blue means cold doe


blue fire is hotter doe that's the accepted science


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>suburban white trash le bad even tho a lot of transfolx come from this demographic

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>I intentionally chip my black painted nails, rip my jeans, and make my shoes as dirty as possible to look edgy as fuck


nas+only troons on your discord server relate to this+L+coal

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