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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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I have a doubt about existence of anal orgasm . I tried putting 2 fingers down there , I got a feeling of shiting and a relief which every person fells while dumping a big load .

It was just as expected and felt like fingers in my butt.

Can I really have an orgasm using but or it is same as the existence of god ( people force their mind to hallucinate the existence of an entity which does not even exist ) means - are anal orgasm fake as the existence of god and a concept of broscience ?


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>people force their mind to hallucinate the existence of an entity which does not even ex-ACK!

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>10,000 steps in 60 minutes would be around 167 steps a minute, or 3 steps per second, which is impossible.

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>waow these redditors are so hecking soy!!!!
>What’s that mom? A mischievous impish soyjak ears used science juice to grow thorns in the garden? I’ll cut them down right away! I might even find some hidden gems along the way XD!


i aalready posted this


your mom did not say that


no I!!!! already posted this >:(

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>waow these redditors are so hecking soy!!!!
>What’s that mom? A mischievous impish soyjak ears used science juice to grow thorns in the garden? I’ll cut them down right away! I might even find some hidden gems along the way XD!


literally me

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>>waow these redditors are so hecking soy!!!!
>>What’s that mom? A mischievous impish soyjak ears used science juice to grow thorns in the garden? I’ll cut them down right away! I might even find some hidden gems along the way XD!

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>waow! adventure awaits!
10 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


who in the world says this


everyone says this, schizo.


I do this


my mom says this daily to get me to do my chores


its called divorce if youre married anon

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>saying "fuck faggots" good even though faggots want to be fucked so its easy for them to make aa clapback

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>Salafism good even though it's the reason why the phenomenon known as "Islamophobia" exists

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A mean grindr twink just called me ugly
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


i love fucking faggot owo


I say this and do this


please do uwu



i post ias

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New shining glistening soyjack(⎛⎜⎝⎞⎟)


Q predicted this


nas coalburner

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