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/soy/ - Soyjak

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1655209900176.gif (628.62 KB, 275x400, 12352 - animated distorted….gif)


hwabag( A318A6AB-C21A-452C-8580-57….png)
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


no spade in this image


File: 1655210119248.gif (218.22 KB, 1134x560, 'son pet.gif)

My wife Freeday...


He's right though
Spamming coalson just makes everyone hate it more
You're doing his job for free


i thought whiptroon acked himself a long time ago


File: 1655210694261.png (143.3 KB, 717x606, 10465 - anger_mark angry a….png)

>( A318A6AB-C21A-452C-8580-57….png)

File: 1655210094583.png (101.12 KB, 574x596, Swedejak.png)


>Maison Margiela my sweater (Margiela)
>Mama told me never settle (Mama)

File: 1655205738738-0.png (592.83 KB, 788x941, 1649937958773.png)

File: 1655205738738-1.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1392x1408, 1655072087860-1.jpeg)


Chief on that smelly pungent nigger weed
12 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.







>>674510 (Me)
>>674501 (Me)

File: 1655163746822.png (246.9 KB, 720x702, soyfox.png)


>Firefox le good even though whenever I hear the name it makes me think of foxes and I get horny
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


gonna fap to this later


based me too


File: 1655206288425.png (48.04 KB, 1000x1000, soytanracoon.png)


furcoal goes up


And now it goes down

File: 1655209905865-0.png (193.13 KB, 708x800, Soy5.png)

File: 1655209905865-1.gif (2.73 MB, 480x640, GifSoy78.gif)

File: 1655209905865-2.jpg (70.71 KB, 555x631, Soy24.jpg)


>jar of pickles won't open
>you finally open it and can eat all the pickles inside
>you spend the next hour shitting out vinegary liquid in the toilet

File: 1655206921044.png (99.2 KB, 722x720, 1637751055238.png)


reminder that this 'bbc cobson' shit is a psyop by swaglord because he's butthurt we stole the s4s get

swaglord slobs on cob's throbbing knob and dobs on him to the mods
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File: 1655209565747.jpg (186.97 KB, 863x863, Big cob.jpg)



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File: 1655209827035.png (45.26 KB, 540x557, cobson frost blade.png)

Let the cope begin. You lost antigemsonfags


He will always be discord coal

File: 1655209854229.png (68.92 KB, 428x501, ducko.png)


>listen to me the nigger god is le fake because he doesn't have a wikipedia page

File: 1655187020167.png (24.88 KB, 1600x900, 11715 - smile variant_angr….png)


Reminder that the colorcoaler threatened to kill himself with acid once
15 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You're still Live




acid doesn't automatically kill you


pics or it didn’t happen


>trying to get my exif data
you'll fucking die

File: 1655191563617-0.png (74.44 KB, 600x572, ClipboardImage.png)


On the left, Soot's fursona. In the middle, Hotwheels/Fredrick Brennan/8chan owner's fursona. On the right, Moot/Chris Poole/4chan owner's fursona.
It's obvious which one is more keyed, soygods: it's our homie Soot. Who agrees?
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



honey, because this site is a honeypot


The real soot sona


>>674125 Nas deleted


File: 1655209720482.jpg (79.13 KB, 250x250, JannieSoy11.jpg)

>NAS deleted even though Soot allows it

File: 1655209260538.gif (772.96 KB, 480x411, 1655171798257.gif)




File: 1655209305360.gif (732 B, 21x32, tiny chud.gif)



File: 1655209524318.png (238.61 KB, 697x673, 1651498641857.png)


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